Saturday 16 February 2008


Now, first thing first that I want to say after my CNY is: the supermarket and hypermarket here seems really weird! Yes, I meant absolutely weird! Why? The answer lies on the Cadbury Chocolate--- Australia Edition. In the first place, only Sin Liang got sale such chocolate in Miri, but since I backed from Limbang (plus Brunei of course) the other day I went to Boulevard and Servay; guess what, they all sale the products! Boulevard even almost sells ALL of the favour available! Isn’t it really weird?!
Next, is sharing my reading thoughts. Since I got nothing to do during my CNY holiday, I pick up the Chinese novel that I bought end of last year to pass my holiday time. The novel was named <<记忆天使>>. 以下是读后感. 一部相当不错的作品. 内容有涉及人文, 科学及侦探性质. 故事从一位拥有科学家背景的老人家失踪开始. 接着便是一连串关于其孙女及周遭的人开始忙着寻找失踪老人家“芳踪”的故事. 这个主轴的叙述涉及不少侦探性质. 蛮精彩的,你会有股想知道下来的线索是什么. 最后, 答案却是老人家要大伙体会何谓记忆, 以及它的意义; 颇为值得醒思的. 有机会的话去找来读读, 体验不同的小说阅读乐趣!
沉思,那天约的时候我纯粹是抱着期待和你见面的心态赴约的; 如果你觉得只有你单独点饮料来喝“有碍观瞻”的话,那在此跟你道谦!
光棍的情人节虽然很“简单”,但不管怎么样,总会有股孤单的无助感. 内心虽然清楚光棍也很好,按自己的喜好过活,但看着商场上的节庆货品;不免也会让人想参与一分.这似乎是每年所必须面对的命运.
一步一脚印,my project had proceeded to the 10th page already. I don’t thing I can write 20 pages. Not much contents. Most likely I would just proceed to the stage where I could. The things are all about words…only!

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