It had been almost two weeks since last posts, well the first thing I want to say is that the more things that you buy to eat, the faster it is it will end up in your stomach. I am taking about the chocolate that is being bought from Brunei almost fortnight ago. With two more days towards a full fortnight, the chocolate bar remaining is just about 4.5 bars left; implementing that the others (about 2.5-3.0kg) had been in my family stomach (including me, of course, haha!)
Having a broadband services is really nice. You can choose to watch any online TV as you like. The big Satellite dish is providing less and less channels to watch when compared to few years back. I had almost watched a little “normal” TV this few days and instead having online TV. Wakaka!
Just came back from an interview just now to apply for a tuition tutor job…don’t know can get or not…the environment is just so so…and the another factors seems also middle class only…don’t really bother about it…If got, just give it a try; if don’t have…then fine.
Three months had “fly away”, implying that is almost time to “count down” again. Count down for next examination session…still having trouble with study (I mean in terms of memorising things) …hope (actually is “must”) can pass the attempt…
My father and uncle had went to Limbang for “QingMing” holiday…don’t know whether they did stop by in Brunei to do some grocery shopping or not…wandering what will they returned here with on tomorrow…I also sent “lots” of items with them to my cousin following her requisition to buy some books and getting some data that I had…
“I Want Vacation”…what a good and strong slogan encouraging people to go for holiday. That was the slogan used by…(you should know). I do believe that everyone love vacation a lots…it is so good as you just need to try to stay tune in “free of stress” mood…Confusion…Hope can earn another holiday this year…hahaha! Day dreaming first…
By the way, I can explore our new laptop on tomorrow. Hope can have a different impression…this desktop PC seems really outdated liao…with a lots of lagging and other things…
That’s all, bye for now!