Monday, 28 April 2008

Exams, Exams & Exams…

Yes, as the title suggested; our life’s is simply full of exams, whether in academia terms or in real-life challenges terms.
<<南洋商报>>今天发布了一篇关于SPM华文的专题报导. 主题围绕在考获1A的考生人数似乎一年不如一年, 而终究其因; 依然是我国华裔民间所人为的原因如出一辙, 叫做难考!!
的确,相较于其它同一水平的科目; 我们SPM的华文试题难度着实足以媲美中国的同等资格. 然而,最现实的问题却是; 我国的母语班的环境的的确确是不太理想.
撇开上课时间不谈, 师资的优劣, 有限的学习资源, 教科书的程度与考试所需的水平有显著的落差(2003年起的新课程纲要)及其它的人为问题都是促成现今我国国中母语“百病重生”的主要原因!
只能说,如果没有足够的意志力与意愿; 恐怕日后报考SPM华文的学生将寥寥可数了吧!到那种节骨眼时, 或许问题恐怕不只是难考那么简单了! 而是关呼我国华裔对华文的掌握能力的严重课题了!
让我们一起共勉之, 祈祷这个“恶梦”不会成真吧!
Bye for now!

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Simply something…

Really a “messy” period this few days, other people had crashed my family car; my mum needs to take the turn to take care for my grandmother…having need to share some works at home…June 2008 exams session is approaching with lots of things to be “pushed” into my head; Public accounts formats, financial statements format, accounting entries, costing formulae, taxation laws and taxation computation format…what a chill!
My running nose had been a long long period already, still haven’t finished…I didn’t take much medicine this time, just let it be; heal it by itself…may be better.
Went to PC fair last weekend…to look at what newest IT product are on sale…the items that are on sale are mainly from the most famous IT supplier in town…on the next day, went back there to buy a 3 in 1 printers: Printing, scanning & photocopying. From the observation and from the “mouth” of the promoters, they said that this round of PC fair; the most “saleable” product is this 3 in 1 printer, regardless of what brand it is…
Had sent an enquiry e-mail to Sunway University College & a cc copy to L&P Consultation centre yesterday regarding ACCA programme…still waiting to have some early first hand information…hope that can successfully gain an entrance ticket next January…of course…I need to make my effort to pass all my CAT papers within this year la!
That’s all, bye for now!

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Dinner at Eastwood and the servers…

Yesterday night went to Eastwood Valley for a dinner. It was the first time for me to been there. The environment generally is quite nice. I do like it to a certain extent. The ballroom design not bad also in term of “Qi Pai”. And talking about the dinner, Malaysian is really still Malaysian. It meant than delay and delay still unavoidable. Whenever you wrote “6.30p.m.” it is definitely to be about an hour later one!
The dishes chosen are generally delicious. What I want to talk is about their waiter and waitress ages. From theirs’ “faces and appearances”, you really can feel the “young ness”.
It’s just all-fresh graduates. And not only that, I think is all Form 5 leavers. The “professionalism” still not bad, comparable to the hospitality graduates. Just that only yesterday does I “realised” that being a waiter or waitress in restaurants had to be “mood less”, with no facial impression…hehe! However, if the smile faces is nice, I personally do prefer this rather than the former, especially for waitress of such age’s…haha!
That all, bye for now!

Saturday, 12 April 2008


An important finance news appeared in this few days’ papers about Astro. It’s financial performance in Indonesia claimed to be making a big loss resulting in Astro need to channel more funds towards there. Apart, our Malaysian “media department” wanted Astro to enhance its’ services related problems and review its’ packages structures from being climbing higher and higher than ever before. I do believe that our pay per view television rate is the highest in the region. With a few channels being given, you are required to pay ten-ringgit ++ per months. And the charges had been climbing absolutely higher, making its’ subscribers really “cannot tahan”. Since its’ equipped with Measat III,more channels are being brought into Malaysian viewers’ home. Claiming “more channels, more choices” are just part of it; they should really add in “more fees to pay!”.
Definitely that the more channels they bring the higher the monthly subscriptions fees.
Currently, to enjoy the full services; RM 160++ is needed. The media had revealed that it is going to introduce another 20 new channels during year-end but had been restricted by authorities to do the enhancement mentioned. However, when the day comes; with another 4 new packages to be introduced (the tally will be 16 packages by then); I personally belief that the monthly rate will be more than RM200 per month.
Well, that’s all. Lets see how it goes by this year-end or early next year.
Bye for now!

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Yap, lets see…Accounting got three main branches, just like chemistry…hehe…
The branches are of course: Financial accounting, Cost accounting and Management accounting. As for CAT (the programme that I am doing now), we do cover ALL the basics of these three parts, plus also some issues on Management, Statistics, General businesses and Taxation. What I am trying to say is what is the best? I also don’t know. Because every thing is quite different from the other and the things are quite into details also…since these are preparatory essential for ACCA Part 2 entrance…
Financial accounting deals with debit and credit issues + preparing full set of accounts,Cost accounting deals with production line, calculating COST while Management accounting more on decision-making. (if not mistaken, next semester only will deals with it.) Management definitely deals with the super-duper boring management theories; Taxation is more like studying LAWS (the application is simple, just that the content is more like a LAWS book), Statistics of course deals with figures…
For me, Cost accounting seems easier. No financial statements standard formats, no debit & credit, no long list of IFRS. All you need to know is try to pretend as a manager and manage the production costs to a minimum…
Once you are able to understand how cost accounting works (this is the hardest one)…the works after that is just simply calculations & calculations…Lots of calculations…like Mathematics…
As for others subjects areas, not to mention la, is definitely not easy…hope that can make myself to “put in” all those essential facts…and graduates successfully by this year end… and see whether can go to Sunway for higher stage of ACCA or not…
Bye for now!

Talking about air travel

Well, as stated yesterday the news of this had made a quite “bad” reaction among air travellers / personnel in this industries (See today local Chinese papers report): our well-known low cost budget airline carrier is to implement a policy of collecting fees for every single luggage that you want to check in.
Well, definitely this can be predicted, as anything requires the majority of people to “pay more” in this inflation age wouldn’t be welcome much. This remembered me about a video (it relates to air travel company) posted by one blogger, is quite funny in a sense that you wouldn’t want to travel with them anymore after your first experience. The reason is that you need to pay various kinds of fees for any on board services that you wish to request; even for the O2 supply in emergences time! Isn’t it really…!
The “writer” even pointed out clearly that what would be ours’ reaction if the company mentioned above do implement something like that? Well, nothing to say. I can only say that he is really “半仙”, can forecast future policy! Haha! Just kidding!!
Bye for now!


这是台湾的台视与三立频道联手炮制的偶像剧. 结合了篮球与爱情的元素于一体.
虽然我才看到第五集, 但真的必需给田馥甄 (Hebe) 一个肯定; 跟她们 (S.H.E) 之前所拍的戏剧作品相比之下, 表现真的“象个戏精”了. 期待能早日看完本剧 (因为我现在忙于“搜刮”她们之前上通告的节目来看,当然,是大马{指ASTRO}没播出过的).
Bye for now!

Chocolate and laptop…

With one bar being taken by my father, and the rest with us…the chocolate that I bought from Brunei on my last trip on March had finished “officially” today…resulting in finishing about 3kg of chocolate in just 17 days…what a new “genius book of records”…
Really implying the more you buy, the faster you will eat it…
As for laptop (my family one), we already received it…but still in the process of “exploring”…the Vista computer software is “much more complicated” that the XP one…
Bye for now!

Confused, History and etc…

Yes, as the title suggest; I really meant for it. Absolutely. Actually I intended to write this in Chinese, but as you all know; typing a long passage with Chinese character is time consuming. So I will just mixed it up or even English only whichever possible.
(Disclaimer: This main character is not the first character that…you know what I mean la ha.)
Actually, she and I were colleagues before. First knowing her of course was when I first applied for a tuition tutor job. “Thinking back now”, we didn’t even introduced each other in the first place. I still remembered the situation of the first day. When the time moved towards the end, my “boss” requested me to help her in teaching Arts as my tuition session was over (About one hour more toward “xia ban”). Well, this was “mission impossible” as I even can’t draw a proper, simple drawing. Although her class just simply doing colouring with some other simple arts (she take the kindergarten age one) I still like can’t help anything, as I too can’t remember the “colour theory” (The way we get various colours from prime colour). In the end, I just sit there looking at those kids, leaving her and her assistance. (Really helpless, as the subject that I hated most during my schooling days is ARTS!)
When is time to left, she asks me: “Do you like kids?” (Perhaps she thinks that I am “scared” with those kids, well actually not really. Just the ARTS do make me “sick”. LOL.) Actually I didn’t manage to respond to her, as another colleagues required me to do another thing. Sooner or later, I do “know” her name. Around that timeframe also, feeling that she is “the type” that I will “admire”.
However, when it comes to June (She is a “June” girl); they want to organise a birthday celebration party. Prior to the celebration day (while discussing what was required), I was informed that she already had an “other half” (boy friend). Nothing to say about these. We only had normal interaction in subsequent day.
After careful “examining” what type of books she like to read, I suggested to lend her some Chinese books (can be said as literature) for her to read. She agreed without a second thought (May be she don’t know the hidden intention behind eh). Since the content of that particular book is quite touching (it is “散文类集锦”, got various kind of genre.), the next time when I met her during work time; she told me that she did cry due to the story read. Thereafter, we still held a very nice interaction (even had “exchanged” some badminton skills, of course with others colleagues being together also).
The so-called “bad” thing happened when I decided to let her know that I do “欣赏” during “七夕 2007”. Since it was a Sunday, so I gave her a “thing” (eatable one) prior to it (few days earlier). Her reaction on the spot was pretty like “ha?”; however it’s still quite cute. When we called it “a day” on that day, she still waved at me and saying “goodbye” (seem read from the mouth-lip). So nice…
The “disaster” happened thereafter. Although we did still need to “see each other” and still interacted with each other to a certain extent, the “atmosphere” did seem quite difference. The story ended on last November.
Isn’t it I did mentioned about something like this? (See below for repetition)
{Back in two days ago, I went for photocopying. The location of the photocopy shop is near my tuition place where I worked last year (still the same place, just that still waiting for them to call; don’t know they…!!!). When one of my students saw me, he did really give a greeting by just calling me and give a waving hand. Quite happy. However, when I want to went off to my college to attend my lesson, one of my colleagues went out to put something on her car; I was like waiting for her to just “wave the hand” as a form of greeting to each other, she didn’t even seen it, so lame! So …! Erm…!}
[You might say why don’t you greet her first, I myself also don’t know. Just hoping what was being stated as above. Hehe.]
The important thing is coming: Today (I meant 6/4/08) I met her in a shopping complex with a few other people. The group seems discussing something…don’t know what is it la…I was on the way heading towards wash room…after that, I went in to the hypermarket to “look see look see”, she and her “gang” (let it be, presume) did appear on the cashier there…then I purposely play “hide and seek”…I walked through the cashier line (in front) and went out the market…just to see if she did “alert”…nothing…
Then, I went up to another floor to “look see look see” (again? Yes, again!). The timing looks like very good. When I stepped out from the shop, she was moving direct towards the shop in front of her (I meant the position, hehe)…the “gang” behind had a body language of “Hei there, can you slow down your footsteps? Why so fast?” (Don’t know la, my self-interpretation.) Again, this third “pip” also ended with nothing…
[Now, I know you guys might say what are you thinking about? So…emmmmm. Ya, I also give the same answer: “Tak tahu”. Just had a feel of hoping that she “discover” the fact that I “discover” her first in the first place. Wakaka…!]
Now that is time for conclusion. This shall be in Chinese character. Please bear the inconvenience if you can’t understand it.
或许,总结叫做: 男女之间的交往方式真的是千百种. 虽然, 理论上“恋爱男女”都有共同的“特定性格”与“特定对象的轮廓和相处方式”;但绝对不是能套用在所有人的身上的.正所谓:“百种人有百种情”嘛! 哈哈! 能结识象她这样的丽人同事也不错啦, 虽然看起来“结局”有那么一点狼狈;却也是缘分啊. All the best to her!
(P.S: All the points stated are personal thought to be “shu fa” out. Any inconvenience to the mentioned are highly regretted and hereby apologised sincerely first.)
And one more: Really don’t think about “relationship” in workplace. Is hard to have “good relationship and good working environment” together for anyone. (However, still possible; just that you need to be a little bit “expert” nia!)
Bye for now!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

2008: The road ahead

2008, here comes another “even” year. Time pass so fast, now is already April. Looking back the past three months, the “stupid, unpredictable, strange” weather is occurring almost everywhere worldwide. China having the worst snow storm in half a century, America experiencing the same thing: Storm rain & snow and Australia too having strong winds back in weeks ago. The global warming seems much obvious in this year with lots of weird weather in every possible corner round the earth.
While China is busying with the final preparation and count down for the Olympics, the Tibet issues will definitely be an obstacles for the organiser. Let see what will happen in the next few months until the official opening ceremony in 88888.
Economics & political issues seem hot also all this while. With the market price for crude oil still stand at a high stage, the battle to combat inflation is not an easy task. Apart, this year is an “election year” for many country…with lots of “surprise” and new faces popping up all over the world (Seems true to a certain extent). Lets sit back and see what shall happen next.
Now, lets talk about travelling. Our well-known low cost budget airline carrier is to implement a policy of collecting fees for every single luggage that you want to check in.
Well, personally I really don’t welcome this although I never travel with that airline yet to date. The stand is simple: Since you are “low-cost” and we as passenger had already paid the tickets fees and miscellaneous taxes applicable; why should paid more again?
Lastly, the problems of the supply of “raw rice” are being drawn to “critical attention” as the report claimed that the demand is still high and the supply is lesser this year due to various reasons. Just hope that the relevant personnel throughout the world can resolve this “thing” fast before the situation turn down…
Now is only the 2nd quarter for 2008, I personally think that more things shall pop up and the media may be will have a great dilemma in preparing next year New Year special issues…who knows, right?
Bye for now!

Friday, 4 April 2008

Something to paint…

It had been almost two weeks since last posts, well the first thing I want to say is that the more things that you buy to eat, the faster it is it will end up in your stomach. I am taking about the chocolate that is being bought from Brunei almost fortnight ago. With two more days towards a full fortnight, the chocolate bar remaining is just about 4.5 bars left; implementing that the others (about 2.5-3.0kg) had been in my family stomach (including me, of course, haha!)
Having a broadband services is really nice. You can choose to watch any online TV as you like. The big Satellite dish is providing less and less channels to watch when compared to few years back. I had almost watched a little “normal” TV this few days and instead having online TV. Wakaka!
Just came back from an interview just now to apply for a tuition tutor job…don’t know can get or not…the environment is just so so…and the another factors seems also middle class only…don’t really bother about it…If got, just give it a try; if don’t have…then fine.
Three months had “fly away”, implying that is almost time to “count down” again. Count down for next examination session…still having trouble with study (I mean in terms of memorising things) …hope (actually is “must”) can pass the attempt…
My father and uncle had went to Limbang for “QingMing” holiday…don’t know whether they did stop by in Brunei to do some grocery shopping or not…wandering what will they returned here with on tomorrow…I also sent “lots” of items with them to my cousin following her requisition to buy some books and getting some data that I had…
“I Want Vacation”…what a good and strong slogan encouraging people to go for holiday. That was the slogan used by…(you should know). I do believe that everyone love vacation a lots…it is so good as you just need to try to stay tune in “free of stress” mood…Confusion…Hope can earn another holiday this year…hahaha! Day dreaming first…
By the way, I can explore our new laptop on tomorrow. Hope can have a different impression…this desktop PC seems really outdated liao…with a lots of lagging and other things…
That’s all, bye for now!