Well, at the first sight, you might not know what I want to say. Yap, once again; it's all about air travel. Air Asia launched another round of free tickets, just pay for taxes. I go and have a look (for fun only). It's really cheap, just that the travel periods are too far ahead; not easy for the public to plan so early.
For instance, Miri return tickets to Kuala Lumpur would just cost MYR 640 for a family of 4 or MYR 163 for an individual (of course not included another optional fees yet). Any way, this is still far cheaper than our national carrier during the 1st phase of promotion. Really feeling like wish to go out to travel for another time just because of cheap air fare. But then is not just that. still many thing need to be settled. hahaha...
As for fares bound to Kota Kinabalu this December, there's really a big gap. Maswings' fares would cost MYR 482 per person per return trip while Air Asia only cost MYR 184, which is a difference of MYR 298. Take it as 2 return ticket, the price would be more than enough to buy 6 return tickets under Air Asia's current promotion to bound for the capital. But then the difference is just ATR 72 is confirmed to service that route by then (Plane will be here very soon). Dont know what to choose from, economic wise Air Asia will definitely outrun the other, but having new plane to try for, the expensive one may be the option (really expensive, hai!)
Any way, still far ahead yet. Exams count down will start soon.
Bye for now! Haha!
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Saturday, 23 August 2008
The pressure builds...
I know, perhaps I don't "qualified" to say this as my course is half a year more than other people. But it's really not an easy task to do international qualification. With 6 papers out of 9 being accomplished over the past year, the remaining 3 more papers are quite challenging.
Paper 7 builds more knowledge on costing, which means more calculations; more costing principles. Paper 5 is the damn management stuffs! And the Paper 10, all the way until yesterday we are using the very first version of textbook; but the college announced that new textbook is more applicable as MORE things are in it although the syllabus remains the same. With this, all the work need to "restart" to a certain extent again! This is damn NOT nice! But since this is the fact already, just read whatever thing that had been added & my own notes need to be "re-haul" again! What to do...
Anyway, as the syllabus it self is meant to be to be equivalent as a 1st year degree course in Financing related course, this is the facts that need to be appreciated. 9 papers would have teach you a lot, what more to say with ACCA Skills & Professional modules!
However, that's still far apart yet. With time evolving so fast, there's left about 3months ++ fpr preparation towards December examination sittings. And seriously this 3papers are the toughest compared to earlier ones. Just hoping that with dedication, I managed to "finish" these things in the upcoming exams (Pass la!).
I guess that's all. Bye for now!
Paper 7 builds more knowledge on costing, which means more calculations; more costing principles. Paper 5 is the damn management stuffs! And the Paper 10, all the way until yesterday we are using the very first version of textbook; but the college announced that new textbook is more applicable as MORE things are in it although the syllabus remains the same. With this, all the work need to "restart" to a certain extent again! This is damn NOT nice! But since this is the fact already, just read whatever thing that had been added & my own notes need to be "re-haul" again! What to do...
Anyway, as the syllabus it self is meant to be to be equivalent as a 1st year degree course in Financing related course, this is the facts that need to be appreciated. 9 papers would have teach you a lot, what more to say with ACCA Skills & Professional modules!
However, that's still far apart yet. With time evolving so fast, there's left about 3months ++ fpr preparation towards December examination sittings. And seriously this 3papers are the toughest compared to earlier ones. Just hoping that with dedication, I managed to "finish" these things in the upcoming exams (Pass la!).
I guess that's all. Bye for now!
Monday, 18 August 2008
Out now!
Yeah! Finally the results are out! And thank god, NO need to resit any papers! All 3 papers enrolled had been secured! Paper 4: Accounting For Costs, 6 marks more than the pass margin; Paper 6: Drafting Financial Statement (INT), 8 marks more than pass margin & Paper 9: Preparing Taxation Computation, 7 marks more than pass margin.
I know that this is just "marginal pass", but somehow can happy also as you no need to pay for 35-40 pound sterling per paper anymore. Just need to work harder and harder if wish to pursue Professional Qualification later. It would be 50% to pass for all ACCA papers! really need to think carefully.
Now, with this results out would mean that for this final semester; I would had 3 more papers to go + 1 additional options (can do or dont do)! Another 120 pound sterling. Just need to wait for the result slips to reach my home address! Hope that it CAN & MUST reach my home. Or else I need to use another method to enroll for my exams in December 2008!
Bye for now!
I know that this is just "marginal pass", but somehow can happy also as you no need to pay for 35-40 pound sterling per paper anymore. Just need to work harder and harder if wish to pursue Professional Qualification later. It would be 50% to pass for all ACCA papers! really need to think carefully.
Now, with this results out would mean that for this final semester; I would had 3 more papers to go + 1 additional options (can do or dont do)! Another 120 pound sterling. Just need to wait for the result slips to reach my home address! Hope that it CAN & MUST reach my home. Or else I need to use another method to enroll for my exams in December 2008!
Bye for now!
1. 进入八月分, 马航的“每日超底价”活动似乎越来越“没诚意”. 除了促销的幅度“缩水”外, 连廉价机位的“配额”也越来越少. 虽然之前我曾说过它部分“老飞机”的舱压的确有点“不舒服”, 但这年头能有多一个的廉价选择总是比较好的.
2. 京奥的最后一场羽毛球决赛, 神州一哥对垒大马天王; 在种种的因素左右之下, 终就还是不敌“超级丹”的“神功”, 只能屈居第二. 说实在, 这等的比赛在40分钟内就终结; 有点“没意思”!
3. 前些天看我以前的同学的博客, 看到他(她)们办了一场“同学会”[会用引号是因为只有几个人,不是一票人.] 看起来大伙的感情似乎还不错. 但真正令我错愕的是居然有一位女生已经结婚了.(颇为标志的女生,真的是漂亮的就是“当红炸子鸡”.) 说实在,在这个晚婚或不婚盛行的年代;的确有点太早的感觉.
不过, 看起来她婚后“状况”似乎还不错 (纯粹从面相来看,哈哈). 那位博客这样道(大概): 记得多多保养, 免得太早变黄脸婆. 还要记得与姐妹们多多联络, 不要有了异性; 没了姐妹. [批: 不愧是女生们的经典台词!]
4. 我国308之后的“第一场人为补选”即将在26日揭晓, 这场攸关反对党的“生死之战”; 谁主皇朝, 就等民众的裁决了.
5. 台湾前总统陈水扁的贪污丑闻案再添一笔. 这回要不是八卦周刊的爆料和瑞士政府的一封司法互助公文, 再加上他本人的证实; 或许“全球”的人还是只能雾里看花吧! 就看在当地的庞大舆论的压力之下及媒体的紧追不放, 看看最终的结果是什么!
Bye Bye!
(PS: June session results will be out later at around 4pm later, let’s hope that all is fine. Hehe!)
2. 京奥的最后一场羽毛球决赛, 神州一哥对垒大马天王; 在种种的因素左右之下, 终就还是不敌“超级丹”的“神功”, 只能屈居第二. 说实在, 这等的比赛在40分钟内就终结; 有点“没意思”!
3. 前些天看我以前的同学的博客, 看到他(她)们办了一场“同学会”[会用引号是因为只有几个人,不是一票人.] 看起来大伙的感情似乎还不错. 但真正令我错愕的是居然有一位女生已经结婚了.(颇为标志的女生,真的是漂亮的就是“当红炸子鸡”.) 说实在,在这个晚婚或不婚盛行的年代;的确有点太早的感觉.
不过, 看起来她婚后“状况”似乎还不错 (纯粹从面相来看,哈哈). 那位博客这样道(大概): 记得多多保养, 免得太早变黄脸婆. 还要记得与姐妹们多多联络, 不要有了异性; 没了姐妹. [批: 不愧是女生们的经典台词!]
4. 我国308之后的“第一场人为补选”即将在26日揭晓, 这场攸关反对党的“生死之战”; 谁主皇朝, 就等民众的裁决了.
5. 台湾前总统陈水扁的贪污丑闻案再添一笔. 这回要不是八卦周刊的爆料和瑞士政府的一封司法互助公文, 再加上他本人的证实; 或许“全球”的人还是只能雾里看花吧! 就看在当地的庞大舆论的压力之下及媒体的紧追不放, 看看最终的结果是什么!
Bye Bye!
(PS: June session results will be out later at around 4pm later, let’s hope that all is fine. Hehe!)
Saturday, 16 August 2008
CBE Done! Waiting for June results...
Now,just backed from my CBE exams. I had managed to score 80%,yeah! Thanks to additional books of BPP & Kaplan Exams kits. With only the very old Kaplan Texts, it is HARD to score this high! About 10 questions are not available from that oldies text! Anyway, more boooks more chances to success. The college finally had announced that it is going to use new edition of those books for new students and for those old students; they stand a chance to choose whether to buy or not to buy. Let's see how it goes...
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
TV back to live again...
Thanks to my uncle for teaching me to make the TV to "resume", my satellite dish now can resume normal viewing as at the initial installation stage without spending a single cent. All "disappeared" channels now backed to normal. More TV, More choices. Hahaha!
Monday, 11 August 2008
Finally connected...!
Yes, after 2 days of hair wire in the broadband service; it finally get to the normal again! Damn! Such services also can called broadband. This is the 2nd time since my family had broadband service backed in March this year!
Anyway, forget about that. At least I can do my online exams practice NOW!
Bye bye!
Anyway, forget about that. At least I can do my online exams practice NOW!
Bye bye!
Full gear? NO line! What the…!
Studies are really hard (well, literally it should be everything.). Study too little; you are most likely to fail your exams; study too much, the stress built up and you might go crazy.
So, it really needs to be wise enough! But the thing is that this is not easy to do!
Upcoming Saturday would be my CBE exams; so far my practice revealed that I my pass in this paper is granted as I can score at least 60. Just that confidence is confidence, practical is different. Only pray that my performance on that day will be on the same track as my preparations.
Now, but the trouble is that: I need to do online exams again after I finish my Paper based practice questions which had about 150 questions left (well you might think a lot, but according to exams condition; this would only need 3 hours.)! But the TM broadband had gone “hair wire” once again in this critical situation! Really sucks!
If the situation continues, I really need to think about alternative ways to go online! Mad!
That’s all, bye bye!
(PS: This article is pre typed!)
So, it really needs to be wise enough! But the thing is that this is not easy to do!
Upcoming Saturday would be my CBE exams; so far my practice revealed that I my pass in this paper is granted as I can score at least 60. Just that confidence is confidence, practical is different. Only pray that my performance on that day will be on the same track as my preparations.
Now, but the trouble is that: I need to do online exams again after I finish my Paper based practice questions which had about 150 questions left (well you might think a lot, but according to exams condition; this would only need 3 hours.)! But the TM broadband had gone “hair wire” once again in this critical situation! Really sucks!
If the situation continues, I really need to think about alternative ways to go online! Mad!
That’s all, bye bye!
(PS: This article is pre typed!)
Don’t know why, is 3 weeks after backed from KL. Maybe BIG malls really attract most of the people. These 3 weeks, shopping seems so dry as Miri only had a little “medium” malls for you. Air-cons is getting more and more not cold, size looks so “small” after seeing the “big” one…choices so “little”…prices so different (I meant something that we drunk at there)…so many different thing…
Heh! Kok Kok! Anybody home?! Don’t dream liao loh! Do what you should do!
Hahaha…sorry ya! But that’s really the different! Hehe!
(PS: Chill…winter is coming…)
Bye for now!
Heh! Kok Kok! Anybody home?! Don’t dream liao loh! Do what you should do!
Hahaha…sorry ya! But that’s really the different! Hehe!
(PS: Chill…winter is coming…)
Bye for now!
Blackout, again…No, it’s the biggest…
Yesterday (9/8/2008), almost all major cities in Sarawak experienced a major blackout ranging from 1 hour to 3 hours. Well, in the 1st place; my friend in Kuching had messaged me about the blackout situation there. I should actually “acknowledge” that "something” similar might happen soon. It really turned up to be in the same luck as they had. Just that we only need to “suffer” for about an hour, they had 3 hours. As reported in the media, this might be the worst blackout in past 45 years where it involves more than half of the population in the state.
Hope this will not be the case again! Never and ever! Hahaha!
Bye for now!
Hope this will not be the case again! Never and ever! Hahaha!
Bye for now!
New aircraft, new era…
Yes, as reported in the media backed in few days ago; MASWing will fly its’ 1st ATR 72 aircraft in the upcoming month. This model of aircraft shall replace its’ ageing Fokker 50 fleet that is almost two decades. Lets’ see how is the “performance” of this new aircraft.
Here is the picture of the 1st ATR 72 for MASWing. I took it from the Internet. The photographer took it on early last month in France, where this “thing” was made.

That’s all. Bye for now!
Here is the picture of the 1st ATR 72 for MASWing. I took it from the Internet. The photographer took it on early last month in France, where this “thing” was made.

That’s all. Bye for now!
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Maintaining qualities…?
Well, yesterday when I went for my 5th lectures on Paper 10; the assistant principal, who is also my financial accounting (P1,P3,P6)lecturer, “suddenly” asked me about the on going situation of our class which is under the new lecturer. Well, I don’t really know what moods make she did so. I just told truly what I felt about the “performance” of the new lecturer.
Upon listening, her face seems like: “Ha? Really kah?”
What to do? I can’t say other thing. Performance appraisal really need to be that “Real”.
Perhaps after few years of establishment in running CAT, they might have the “hidden intention” of “upgrading” to better categories; not just “registered”. If that really the case, I would say, although the quality is quite ok already; it’s still a little bit far yet to reach that stage. However, I was quite surprised that she would ask about the same matter for the second time.
Bye for now!
Upon listening, her face seems like: “Ha? Really kah?”
What to do? I can’t say other thing. Performance appraisal really need to be that “Real”.
Perhaps after few years of establishment in running CAT, they might have the “hidden intention” of “upgrading” to better categories; not just “registered”. If that really the case, I would say, although the quality is quite ok already; it’s still a little bit far yet to reach that stage. However, I was quite surprised that she would ask about the same matter for the second time.
Bye for now!
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
后天晚上就是万众所引颈期盼的京奥开幕礼了,不知道所端出来的节目是否能吸引地球人的目光呢? 从申奥成功开始,这座千年古都经历了“绝地大改造”;从“第四权”的报导中大众真的能看到相关的转变. 然而,也从这些人的报导里;我们看到不为人知的故事及其它零零星星的问题,且让我们似目以待,看看在中国人民和当局付出这么多心血之后,能否赢得国际舆论的肯定与尊重! 让这届“百年的奥运梦”名留千古!
前晚,我之前服务的补习中心人员打电话来要求我昨天回去当三小时的救火队员;只因为有人请假. 谈妥薪资后,便答应咯. 大多数还是以前的学生,但也多了不少新面孔. 我也没管那么多,反正是代班而已;就照着一如即往的模式进行吧: 做自己的练习, 不知道的来问就好了. 有两个家伙还是一样的“呱呱叫”(很吵),就请他们吵够了之后(当然音量肯定得让他们压底啦.)乖乖做作业咯. 自于其他的, 还不错.
豆腐渣,这三个字;近期在媒体间还真是红得发紫呀! 相信不必赘述,大家也知到指的是哪些工程吧. 从中国,到台湾;再到大马, 都在这几个月间相继出现这样的问题. 或许, 相关的人员认为国库里的钱“很好用”吧. 然而,在通涨的年戴;相信很多国家的财物预算应该“红花”都开了好些光景了吧. 就看下个预算还能有什么“牛肉”及这些豆腐渣的后续发展咯.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Old formats...Old strategies?
As mentioned before, this December sitting will be the last one in old formats for all advanced level papers in the CAT course. Thus, if anyone didn't want to "re-start from the beginning", the only thing they can do is strike for all passes in this LAST sittings. Therefore, I think I really need to "prepare for the battle" carefully for once only. But it need to be I had passed all my 3 papers sat in June 2008 + 1 CBE exams coming up on the 16th.
Thinking of to order some publications for wider reading and practices (Most of them are not available in bookstores or colleges)! See how it goes!
Works! Hahaha!
Bye for now!
Thinking of to order some publications for wider reading and practices (Most of them are not available in bookstores or colleges)! See how it goes!
Works! Hahaha!
Bye for now!
Saturday, 2 August 2008
New exams format…new challenges?
Yesterday afternoon upon completion of CBE Paper 2 demos online, I go and hang around ACCA website and saw some notice that sound like this:
From June 2009 there will be some minor changes to the Advanced Level papers (T5-T10).
The pass mark will be increased from 40% to 50%
All exams will include some multiple-choice questions (MCQ’s)
– 24% of Paper T5 will become MCQ’s (two-hour exam)
– 20% of Papers T6–T10 will become MCQ’s (three-hour exams)
The overall syllabus for the qualification will remain unchanged, although some material from Paper T7 will be moving to Paper T10.
The revised study guides and pilot papers are available in this section.
Please note: this does not affect CAT students currently studying for the December 2008 exams, the changes will not be applied until the exams in June 2009.
Well, it looks like there would be some “revolutionary” in the exams format soon as
scheduled by the ACCA. In turn, it means that we need to “struggle” to pass all of the remaining papers in the upcoming December session or else you need to “re-prepare for another type of battle” all over again.
You will feel very happy when you looking at the new formats in the 1st place, but with the phrase “pass mark will be increase to 50”; it means nothing at all. “Negative & negative will in turn give you a positive”, I mean to say that the effect is being net off.
So, perhaps the conclusion is that strike for all pass in this “last” chance!
But, thinking about non-financial papers really makes people headache; just try the best la. I just can’t imagine how a student in Sunway can score a miracle 99% in the T5 exam!
That’s all, bye for now!
From June 2009 there will be some minor changes to the Advanced Level papers (T5-T10).
The pass mark will be increased from 40% to 50%
All exams will include some multiple-choice questions (MCQ’s)
– 24% of Paper T5 will become MCQ’s (two-hour exam)
– 20% of Papers T6–T10 will become MCQ’s (three-hour exams)
The overall syllabus for the qualification will remain unchanged, although some material from Paper T7 will be moving to Paper T10.
The revised study guides and pilot papers are available in this section.
Please note: this does not affect CAT students currently studying for the December 2008 exams, the changes will not be applied until the exams in June 2009.
Well, it looks like there would be some “revolutionary” in the exams format soon as
scheduled by the ACCA. In turn, it means that we need to “struggle” to pass all of the remaining papers in the upcoming December session or else you need to “re-prepare for another type of battle” all over again.
You will feel very happy when you looking at the new formats in the 1st place, but with the phrase “pass mark will be increase to 50”; it means nothing at all. “Negative & negative will in turn give you a positive”, I mean to say that the effect is being net off.
So, perhaps the conclusion is that strike for all pass in this “last” chance!
But, thinking about non-financial papers really makes people headache; just try the best la. I just can’t imagine how a student in Sunway can score a miracle 99% in the T5 exam!
That’s all, bye for now!
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