Tuesday, 25 March 2008

A long one

It had been quite long since last post…well, although it may be not much people are reading this…just have some posts to fill up…

Back in 2 weeks ago, my father had signed up for the broadband (the minimum one) which means that the dial-up for Internet can go into history officially. However, before my family can enjoy it, we had been waiting for the contractors to come and do the installation for almost 9 days entirely, leaving us with no Internet connection for the waiting period. Just do some updating items and view some blogs with a dial-up of 1315, as the original 1515 dial-up had been cut-off straight away when the customer signed up for any broadband services. But then, my aunt “Pushed” me to go to Limbang with her & her friends together for some counter-sale. Having “pulling here and there”, I finally decided to go to have some sort of “vacation” on the day when the contractors came and do the installation. So, I only start to enjoy the services these two days around when I am backed from Limbang.

Now, I will paint something about my “surprise” journey to Limbang. I joined my aunt friend car for the “to” trip to Limbang. They want to do counter-sale to promote some saving plans from Maybank. So, with the “background” mentioned above, I went there with them. After having lunch around 11 am ++ on 20/3/08, we went to the “driver” office. Lingering around here and there, finally around 1 p.m., we drawn our way to the destination. However, the electronic devices of the car broke down leaving the windows “cannot go up”, so after reaching at K.B. around 1.30p.m. , we go to “car hospital” pending for some “surgery”. After a long 1.5 hours later, finally the thing is done. With full speed, we went further down. However, by this time is time for afternoon tea break; so in the end: we stopped a little while to have cups of drink and some foods…

Then, changed driver and go on to B.S.B with 100++ km/h, and within an hour, we make it. Then, went to Gadong for stopping a while to do something. Finally, went straight to Custom departments heading to the final destination. By the time reaching Purnama Hotel, is already almost 7p.m. With the raining being cats and dogs, went for dinner; then heading straight away for their meeting staffs…until around 10.30p.m. Being sleepy, I signalled that I really couldn’t stand anymore. So finally after long hours, went to my grandma’s house to have a bath and sleep! By the time when ready for sleep, is around 11.20pm something lo…!

The next day, as I promised before, went to try for counter-sale. Well, with limited knowledge about the thing that you need to present and the crowd being lots of native (+ the air-cons systems are not that good in the plaza); it not an easy task…after 2 hours, I only talked to one person and only talked half-way…enough with it, I decided to stopped…heading home for lunch…And had a quite boring afternoon. In the evening and night, helped my cousin with her assignment typing…had some talk…and with a little bit not enough sleep the day before, I slept around 9.30p.m.

On the Saturday morning, having nothing to do; I “requested” to go down to Brunei for a one-day grocery trip. We went down from Limbang at 9 a.m. and being able to be backed before 7 p.m. Went to the newly opened “Giant Hypermarket Tasik Rimba”. Being almost fainted as it is “mountain people mountain sea”. Fully packed with people. The traffic was jammed for a long distance…Waiting until your mood will go “hair-wired”. (Being “crazy”) However, after almost 40 minutes jammed in the crowed traffic, finally we managed to find a place on the roadside and get into it to have a visit. It’s quite big. It’s a standard hypermarket size. And just to mentioned a little bit, with almost 60 cashiers counters being opened for services, there were still a long queue there to wait for payments. A number of special promotions being available (and it is really cheap), but with a long queue for payments; we don’t want to buy anything.

Then, heading for lunch (Vegetarian restaurants). A special mode of operation: you may take as much as you like, and pay as much as you wish. Just that do not eat for free! You won’t feel good also if you didn’t pay a single cent! Then, went to my aunt’s bakery shop for a while. Around 3, went to another to supermarket to hunt for chocolate again. Then by around 4.40p.m, heading back to Limbang again. The weather in the evening is still raining cats and dogs; the worst-case scenario is that the window on the driver side cannot be “closed” as the “tekan” button being broke down also. (Does it sound familiar? Yes, the same thing happened as the day when I went up; only the car is different!)

Then on Sunday, is time to back to Miri here. My family had bought me an air-ticket. So I backed here by plane. Waked up at 5a.m. after urine, cant sleep anymore…lying on bed until 6.10a.m. opened TV to past time…then take breakfast and packed my thing…

Then went down to eat again…around 10a.m. reached airport for check-in, as time still early, went out again for a while…backed at 10.30a.m. …. Then went straight for “boarding” into waiting room…the plane arrived at around 10.50a.m. After short intervals between the batches of passengers, the plane left Limbang and touched down in Miri safely within 28 minutes. It’s quite a short journey. The drink provided on board had changed from a small cup of juices / drink to a packet per person. Overall is just OK when compared to the experience backed in 2 years ago. The air-cons systems seems a little bit not that “efficient” and the weather when the plane is cruising seems windy; resulting a little “shake” in the plane. However, the take-off and landing process is quite pleasant. May be the captain is the experienced one…

I rushed for my homework in the afternoon and a little more at night. Then yesterday back to normal schedules…That’s all for the “report”…Before ending, just say that see how long can the chocolate lasted as I had bought twice much as last month…hehe!

Bye for now!

Sunday, 9 March 2008


1. 为追悼“开心果”的追思会在2/3/2008在香港举办,TVB也跟全球各媒体的合作; 透过转播将现场的活动同步传送直世界各个角落. 其间的火爆场面的确制造不少话题,但我个人最感慨的是其女儿真的是象媒体所写的那般,叫“一夜长大”!

2. 第十二届全国大选今天凌晨方“震撼性”地落下阶段性的结局. 执政党的“成绩单”着实令举国“大跌眼镜”. 想必选民在投票时应该也使料未及吧.毕境这是近40年来曾出现的状况. 且看朝野在选后能有什么实际的发展大计来引邻我国的另一个五年吧! 另外,或许这届的选举结果; 能验证我们国民在政治上的认知逐渐成熟吧.

3. 这届选举的竟选期为近几届之最, 不知道我们的侯选人们是不是学到海外政治家的选举方法; 口水战居然也几呼“依样画葫芦”地搬过来用. 真搞得眼花撩乱!

4. Over last Tuesday and Wednesday, Yayasan Sarawak had organised an education road show at the civic centre of Miri. Quite a huge number of institutions joined the exhibitions compared to previous years. Few of them seems a little “strange” to
Sarawakian here in a sense that never knew of such institutions in existence before.
And some others are quite familiar. Get some brochures of those not really “known”
before one to take a closer look. No matter what, our tertiary education market in
Malaysia is absolutely growing bigger and bigger since the establishments back in
1996, enabling more students to pursue their tertiary studies. However, with the
expanding number of institutions, the rivalry among them is getting “hotter and hotter”,thereby giving some negative impact in a sense that all are struggling hard to gain more administration from Form 5 or Form 6 leavers.

5. After the Spring sales, Popular now continues with its’ members cum school holidays sales, offering some great deals for all cards members and general public. More discounts, more choices, more new books. All you need is the purchasing power!
(Which implies $$$$$$$$!)

6. And after the experiences gained over the past two years of organising the “biggest”book fair in Malaysia, this year they are going to do it for the 3rd year once again in KL. It really a good place to pass the pastime for books lovers. I do hope that they will make this event an annual activity and I can go there to enjoy it one day in the future!!

7. Just received a “breaking news” (konon-nya) yesterday that I may be able to go to Kuching on early May this year for three days due to some occasions… However, this would mean that I need to “settle” my two classes on my own, as I might need to skip it…If really go, hope can visit some Malls there and visit some universities and colleges available there for future sake…! May it come true!

8. Pending to buy bank draft again for the upcoming examinations in June…fees getting more expensive…35 pound each for first four papers (P1-P4) and 40 pound for each six subsequent papers…! And most likely I will keep the re-sit paper to December session…Let’s have the 1st attempt first and hope that no more papers that need to be repeated (I mean re-sit) other than Paper 5: Management!! May god protect!

9. 经验…经验…经验…! 你究竟是什么东西!? 现代社会开口闭口都是经验! 经验到底有什么样的魔力?! 工作要它…生活要它…社交要它…恋爱要它…还真是无所不在呀! 只是一切的一切都得靠大家一起努力,补足各个领域的学分! 愿一起共勉之!

Bye for now!!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

just to ...!(think about it)

Hello again! It had been quite a long time since last post…Now, first thing let’s talk about the ongoing elections…All the candidates seem really put on full gear to gain as much public attention as possible in order to get sufficient vote from the voters so that they can run out the competitions…let see later who will win the game…
Regarding setting up TARC in Sarawak, on the point of education, this is really good; however, the proposal shouldn’t be done during this campaign time…
Ok, enough with that; talk about the presentation for Paper 2, is really just merely a “reading” sessions…with almost everyone just “read” form the PowerPoint slides…
However, finally everything had done…now just waiting to proceed to Paper 4 to learn more on cost accounting matters…
Next, just to mention that I bought another two books last week from Popular. Paid RM 30.44 for two books, with original price of RM46.40 and another book cost RM 13 on the previous Monday (25/2), making it I had more and more books pending for my free time to read all; haha!
As mentioned before, this few weeks I will be busying getting more resources regarding CAT to enrich my references and exercises for my course with the hope that no more re-sit matters in my subsequent papers.
Back in two days ago, I went for photocopying. The location of the photocopy shop is near my tuition place where I worked last year (still the same place, just that still waiting for them to call; don’t know they…!!!). When one of my students saw me, he did really give a greeting by just calling me and give a waving hand. Quite happy. However, when I want to went off to my college to attend my lesson, one of my colleagues went out to put something on her car; I was like waiting for her to just “wave the hand” as a form of greeting to each other, she didn’t even seen it, so lame! So …! Erm…!
Just to mention one thing before I end my post for this time, the Australia and other foreign chocolate those were bought form Brunei during CNY had just finished few days ago indicating that about 2.5-3.5kg of chocolate had been finished within half a month (4 persons in total). Tomorrow is the offer time, may be will buy some local one just to feed the taste of our mouths, haha! And if time allow, may be will go Brunei again on April. For what? Think about ya!
Bye for now! Had a great time!