The results for ACCA-CAT December 2007 Examination had been released on Monday, 18/2/2008. I sat two papers on that sitting. The results are: Paper 3 passed with “border”, i.e. few more marks less will result me a fail! And Paper 5, the VERY hated management paper, Fail! Need to Re-do again! Really hope can secure 40 marks for the upcoming sitting! Damn it! I really don’t want to sit for that boring and stupid theories paper for a few times!!! May miracles happened! Thank god!!
This two days busying to prepare my notes…looking for re-sit materials for Paper 5…Go to Pustaka…Go Popular again…some more new Chinese books arrived, I see quite nice also…but…no so much provisions…See first.
I have obtained some other references for my CAT, the other version of textbook…Better than what my college used one…Easier to read and understand…(Seems to be, but don’t know yet)! Work hard to pass CAT!! UK Examination really “don’t play play”! Is hard!
You will really know what marks you score! And the passing marks are clearly stated one!! Serious!
That’s all for known! Bye-Bye!
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Now, first thing first that I want to say after my CNY is: the supermarket and hypermarket here seems really weird! Yes, I meant absolutely weird! Why? The answer lies on the Cadbury Chocolate--- Australia Edition. In the first place, only Sin Liang got sale such chocolate in Miri, but since I backed from Limbang (plus Brunei of course) the other day I went to Boulevard and Servay; guess what, they all sale the products! Boulevard even almost sells ALL of the favour available! Isn’t it really weird?!
Next, is sharing my reading thoughts. Since I got nothing to do during my CNY holiday, I pick up the Chinese novel that I bought end of last year to pass my holiday time. The novel was named <<记忆天使>>. 以下是读后感. 一部相当不错的作品. 内容有涉及人文, 科学及侦探性质. 故事从一位拥有科学家背景的老人家失踪开始. 接着便是一连串关于其孙女及周遭的人开始忙着寻找失踪老人家“芳踪”的故事. 这个主轴的叙述涉及不少侦探性质. 蛮精彩的,你会有股想知道下来的线索是什么. 最后, 答案却是老人家要大伙体会何谓记忆, 以及它的意义; 颇为值得醒思的. 有机会的话去找来读读, 体验不同的小说阅读乐趣!
沉思,那天约的时候我纯粹是抱着期待和你见面的心态赴约的; 如果你觉得只有你单独点饮料来喝“有碍观瞻”的话,那在此跟你道谦!
光棍的情人节虽然很“简单”,但不管怎么样,总会有股孤单的无助感. 内心虽然清楚光棍也很好,按自己的喜好过活,但看着商场上的节庆货品;不免也会让人想参与一分.这似乎是每年所必须面对的命运.
一步一脚印,my project had proceeded to the 10th page already. I don’t thing I can write 20 pages. Not much contents. Most likely I would just proceed to the stage where I could. The things are all about words…only!
Next, is sharing my reading thoughts. Since I got nothing to do during my CNY holiday, I pick up the Chinese novel that I bought end of last year to pass my holiday time. The novel was named <<记忆天使>>. 以下是读后感. 一部相当不错的作品. 内容有涉及人文, 科学及侦探性质. 故事从一位拥有科学家背景的老人家失踪开始. 接着便是一连串关于其孙女及周遭的人开始忙着寻找失踪老人家“芳踪”的故事. 这个主轴的叙述涉及不少侦探性质. 蛮精彩的,你会有股想知道下来的线索是什么. 最后, 答案却是老人家要大伙体会何谓记忆, 以及它的意义; 颇为值得醒思的. 有机会的话去找来读读, 体验不同的小说阅读乐趣!
沉思,那天约的时候我纯粹是抱着期待和你见面的心态赴约的; 如果你觉得只有你单独点饮料来喝“有碍观瞻”的话,那在此跟你道谦!
光棍的情人节虽然很“简单”,但不管怎么样,总会有股孤单的无助感. 内心虽然清楚光棍也很好,按自己的喜好过活,但看着商场上的节庆货品;不免也会让人想参与一分.这似乎是每年所必须面对的命运.
一步一脚印,my project had proceeded to the 10th page already. I don’t thing I can write 20 pages. Not much contents. Most likely I would just proceed to the stage where I could. The things are all about words…only!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Brand new fresh after CNY…
11/2/08 marks the day of school reopen for all government schools and most institutes of higher learning. My lessons here resume today at afternoon. (Suppose morning also has another class, but the lecturer still taking personal leaves; so it still mean free for us lo!)
After the CNY break, start to have the “full gear” for the so called “short assignment” titled “computer fraud”. With the PowerPoint that are being completed by my other group members, I started to work for the full report with all the materials supplied by them; plus some more online materials search by me and some books on IT to refer. Till now (12/2/08), I managed to sort out 4 pages already, about another 16 pages to go. Hope that the contents that I have really have that much!
Today afternoon met with Chen Sze since we graduated from STPM. Had about an hour talk; shared some topics…quite pleasant meet…and I have to say: Chen Sze, your impression (I mean the dressing + wearing and overall) still that pretty. Happy stay in Singapore and look forward to meet again in near future (although you say is next year, wahaha). Just to tell that next year maybe easy to meet in Miri or it maybe not; depending whether I wanted to proceeded to ACCA or not.
After that, went to Popular Book Co. to look what’s on offer. Not that “big” surprise. But I bought another 3 Chinese books…RM 49.50 after rebate…Original cost RM 58…
That all for now…Happy Holiday for those still on holiday…Happy Valentine for those who are on relationship…Happy working for the others…and Gambate for me to finish the assignment staffs earlier for me…Wahaha!!
After the CNY break, start to have the “full gear” for the so called “short assignment” titled “computer fraud”. With the PowerPoint that are being completed by my other group members, I started to work for the full report with all the materials supplied by them; plus some more online materials search by me and some books on IT to refer. Till now (12/2/08), I managed to sort out 4 pages already, about another 16 pages to go. Hope that the contents that I have really have that much!
Today afternoon met with Chen Sze since we graduated from STPM. Had about an hour talk; shared some topics…quite pleasant meet…and I have to say: Chen Sze, your impression (I mean the dressing + wearing and overall) still that pretty. Happy stay in Singapore and look forward to meet again in near future (although you say is next year, wahaha). Just to tell that next year maybe easy to meet in Miri or it maybe not; depending whether I wanted to proceeded to ACCA or not.
After that, went to Popular Book Co. to look what’s on offer. Not that “big” surprise. But I bought another 3 Chinese books…RM 49.50 after rebate…Original cost RM 58…
That all for now…Happy Holiday for those still on holiday…Happy Valentine for those who are on relationship…Happy working for the others…and Gambate for me to finish the assignment staffs earlier for me…Wahaha!!
Saturday, 9 February 2008
CNY talk talk
Talking about CNY, someone posted and stated that why our Chinese communities nowadays like to say “Happy New Year” instead of “恭喜发财” “新年快乐 ” and other traditional Chinese greetings…he claimed that might be we are being “westernised”… When I saw that, I also sound like, ha? But thinking further, it is true also if you observed deeply…
今年我国(当然也包括国外)的春节团拜很政治; 不外呼关系到接下来的国会选举; 可能的侯选人皆卯足全力抢新闻版面, 选民们可得三思咯!
今年东西方情人节恰巧相隔一周; 相信到时专卖情人节商品的商家业绩应该会“强强滚”吧…也有些在籍学生会互相赠礼…就象我堂妹说的, 现在的小孩在资讯爆炸的时代中长大; 难免人小鬼大…想想也不无道理呀!
随着今年的爆竹禁令有限量地解除后, 各地均是爆竹声不绝于耳;都是震天响!!!
For my cousins:
1. Do pay attention in your daily classes.
2. Read (I mean skimming & scanning) your textbook also while your teacher is teaching.
3. Read your references books while you are free.
4. Get some extra workbooks to practice more questions so that you are well prepared with examinations and you will not be bored by the whole tons of text or notes when come to final examinations.
(Get your resources either in K.K. or Miri.)
5. Don’t try to hate any subject. If you don’t like it, do also make it at least a
"D” for the minimum grade that you need to obtain! Having an “E” will
definitely spoil your result slips!
Try follows the above and all the best for your upcoming UPSR and PMR in year-end.
Choosing subjects for SPM will base upon on your PMR results in Science and Mathematics.
Side P.S.:
TV programmes viewed for 2008 CNY:
1. <<国民大会>>新春特辑: 才艺大车拼. (TVBS) [5/2/08 & 6/2/08]
2. S.H.E. 移动城堡马来西亚演唱会2007. (ASTRO AEC) [7/2/08] {1.5 hour only being aired.}
3. 民视<<第一发发发2008>> (Farmosa TV) [6/2/08]
4. FTV-News 8/2/08 @ 1400 –1500 hours.
5. <> 2007 CNY special – 2nd half. (8TV) [7/2/08] {9.30-10.30p.m.}
6. CCTV 2008 Spring Gala: I only saw the performance of S.H.E. by “accident” when I
wanted to switch the channels…they sung <<中国话>>with little changes in the
And some other normal programmes…
今年我国(当然也包括国外)的春节团拜很政治; 不外呼关系到接下来的国会选举; 可能的侯选人皆卯足全力抢新闻版面, 选民们可得三思咯!
今年东西方情人节恰巧相隔一周; 相信到时专卖情人节商品的商家业绩应该会“强强滚”吧…也有些在籍学生会互相赠礼…就象我堂妹说的, 现在的小孩在资讯爆炸的时代中长大; 难免人小鬼大…想想也不无道理呀!
随着今年的爆竹禁令有限量地解除后, 各地均是爆竹声不绝于耳;都是震天响!!!
For my cousins:
1. Do pay attention in your daily classes.
2. Read (I mean skimming & scanning) your textbook also while your teacher is teaching.
3. Read your references books while you are free.
4. Get some extra workbooks to practice more questions so that you are well prepared with examinations and you will not be bored by the whole tons of text or notes when come to final examinations.
(Get your resources either in K.K. or Miri.)
5. Don’t try to hate any subject. If you don’t like it, do also make it at least a
"D” for the minimum grade that you need to obtain! Having an “E” will
definitely spoil your result slips!
Try follows the above and all the best for your upcoming UPSR and PMR in year-end.
Choosing subjects for SPM will base upon on your PMR results in Science and Mathematics.
Side P.S.:
TV programmes viewed for 2008 CNY:
1. <<国民大会>>新春特辑: 才艺大车拼. (TVBS) [5/2/08 & 6/2/08]
2. S.H.E. 移动城堡马来西亚演唱会2007. (ASTRO AEC) [7/2/08] {1.5 hour only being aired.}
3. 民视<<第一发发发2008>> (Farmosa TV) [6/2/08]
4. FTV-News 8/2/08 @ 1400 –1500 hours.
5. <
6. CCTV 2008 Spring Gala: I only saw the performance of S.H.E. by “accident” when I
wanted to switch the channels…they sung <<中国话>>with little changes in the
And some other normal programmes…
Roughly painting…CNY journey 2008…
Date: 5/2/08
7.10 a.m.: Started engine and started our journey…
10.00a.m. ++: Arriving at Le Apple in Gadong, Brunei…for a short break and waiting for my “tour guide” (actually my relative) to bring us to hunt for books for my brother.
Visited 3 bookstores and finally got something at our 3rd station: i.e. Booker international.
12.00p.m. ++: Go to Hua Ho Manggis Mall for shopping…feeling like so familiar the “smell”; with huge spaces…varieties of goodies (especially foreign ones…); however didn’t managed to go up stairs…(short of time and more importantly, need to eat liao…wahaha!). Only bought some chocolates…
1.00p.m. ++: Went to have for lunch with my aunt. One plate of “rojak vegetable” rice cost B$3 while I ate “古老肉” rice which cost B$4 per plate. So, now you know what cost you the most while in Brunei…well, eating of course!
2.00p.m.-4.30p.m.++: Go for another two bookstores and got some more books…; then head for another supermarket to buy something and do something else…then go to my aunt’s house to enable her to prepare something…and after fully loaded everything to her car, went to Le Apple again to take something…after that, go to Limbang liao…luckily not so much car…arriving at my grandma’s house at 6.30p.m++…
Night: Talk talk and play play with my cousins…
6/2/08: Just have some normal activities and went down to town for a while…seems the same all this while…just that the “pasar” being refurnished and some shops houses being reconstructed…
7/2/08 at 10.30a.m.: Left Limbang and heading back for Miri…one day earlier than the scheduled time table…
7.10 a.m.: Started engine and started our journey…
10.00a.m. ++: Arriving at Le Apple in Gadong, Brunei…for a short break and waiting for my “tour guide” (actually my relative) to bring us to hunt for books for my brother.
Visited 3 bookstores and finally got something at our 3rd station: i.e. Booker international.
12.00p.m. ++: Go to Hua Ho Manggis Mall for shopping…feeling like so familiar the “smell”; with huge spaces…varieties of goodies (especially foreign ones…); however didn’t managed to go up stairs…(short of time and more importantly, need to eat liao…wahaha!). Only bought some chocolates…
1.00p.m. ++: Went to have for lunch with my aunt. One plate of “rojak vegetable” rice cost B$3 while I ate “古老肉” rice which cost B$4 per plate. So, now you know what cost you the most while in Brunei…well, eating of course!
2.00p.m.-4.30p.m.++: Go for another two bookstores and got some more books…; then head for another supermarket to buy something and do something else…then go to my aunt’s house to enable her to prepare something…and after fully loaded everything to her car, went to Le Apple again to take something…after that, go to Limbang liao…luckily not so much car…arriving at my grandma’s house at 6.30p.m++…
Night: Talk talk and play play with my cousins…
6/2/08: Just have some normal activities and went down to town for a while…seems the same all this while…just that the “pasar” being refurnished and some shops houses being reconstructed…
7/2/08 at 10.30a.m.: Left Limbang and heading back for Miri…one day earlier than the scheduled time table…
2008 CNY photos gallery 3
Friday, 8 February 2008
2008 CNY photos gallery 2
GCE A-LEVEL Physics Part 2 (Past exams papers), GCE A-LEVEL Biology Part 1 (Past exams papers) --- Books bought from Brunei.
(P.S.: All those A-LEVEL books shown above are for my brother and he bought the books himself. Only the Accounts books are additional resources for me.)
2008 CNY pictures gallery phase 1
Saturday, 2 February 2008
CNY mood...
The time now is 3.00p.m., yesterday went for the CNY bazaar; quite “hot hot” as many people went to hunt for CNY goodies and also had some fun to pass the time. Actually my brother planned to take some photos, somehow as we go out, only then we realised that we had forgotten the camera, wahaha! What the …
Today washed car for CNY. Then go out for 3rd round for CNY grocery. And bought the horoscopes books for my cousins, 3 pocket guides on that cost RM 20.97; which is 3 cent less than RM 21, wahaha! Nonsense le!
Tonight will go for CNY party at Art Garten, may be I will take some photos on myself or copy theirs’ after the CNY break. Ya!
2 more days (most likely) will depart for Limbang liao, plan to have a little bit different for this year CNY; but haven’t think of what’s the differences, haha! Then, on 9/2/08; may be go to Brunei to shopping (Hunt for foreign goodies & enjoy their huge shopping areas; will try to post some photos for all my CNY activities as much as possible) before come back to Miri.
Many new and good books at Popular, but no $ to buy now; more over, I still have whole bunch of books bought last year which haven’t finished reading, some even haven’t start a single page yet!
Assignment about “Computer fraud” is given, but just forget it first la! Enjoy my CNY holidays first! Wahaha!
Regarding the winter storm in China, it really doesn’t sound goods; just pray that they do can have a happy CNY despite such critical weather.
Bye for now!
Today washed car for CNY. Then go out for 3rd round for CNY grocery. And bought the horoscopes books for my cousins, 3 pocket guides on that cost RM 20.97; which is 3 cent less than RM 21, wahaha! Nonsense le!
Tonight will go for CNY party at Art Garten, may be I will take some photos on myself or copy theirs’ after the CNY break. Ya!
2 more days (most likely) will depart for Limbang liao, plan to have a little bit different for this year CNY; but haven’t think of what’s the differences, haha! Then, on 9/2/08; may be go to Brunei to shopping (Hunt for foreign goodies & enjoy their huge shopping areas; will try to post some photos for all my CNY activities as much as possible) before come back to Miri.
Many new and good books at Popular, but no $ to buy now; more over, I still have whole bunch of books bought last year which haven’t finished reading, some even haven’t start a single page yet!
Assignment about “Computer fraud” is given, but just forget it first la! Enjoy my CNY holidays first! Wahaha!
Regarding the winter storm in China, it really doesn’t sound goods; just pray that they do can have a happy CNY despite such critical weather.
Bye for now!
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