As the title suggest, the purpose for this post is simply:
Happy New Year 2009!
Bye bye!
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Forwarded--- 凤凰娱乐:草根对阵明星 浙江卫视打造跨年盛会
来源:凤凰卫视 2008-12-31
挑战“群星闪耀” 电视电台集结 浙江卫视依旧麦霸欢唱
08年的跨年晚会,浙江卫视可谓是剑走偏锋,选择了一条独特的跨年路线。继浙江卫视王牌娱乐节目《我爱记歌词》席卷晚间收视之后,浙江卫视顺势延续《我爱记歌词》“全国麦霸城市对决”的热度,把独特的“麦霸”资源整合到08年年末,亮出了“草根狂欢”的跨年牌!2008年12月31日20:25,浙江卫视将在杭州西湖体育馆内直播“中国蓝 跨越2008全民互动歌会”,我唱上句,你接下句,连续四小时,唱响近200首经典歌曲!
“今年跨年,我们将不启用任何明星,而是要打造一场前所未有、纯草根的跨年演唱会。”浙江卫视节目中心杜主任表示:“年年都是明星,观众都有点审美疲劳。今年我们想搞点新花样,做一场全国观众都能广泛参与,并且能从中得到乐趣的跨年演唱会。可以说,今年浙江卫视的跨年演唱会上,没有明星,又都是明星,因为所有参与的观众都将成为我们跨年演唱会上的准明星。”据了解,今年浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”的演出阵容将是清一色的平民麦霸,都是来自《我爱记歌词》往期节目、连续三季“全国麦霸城市对决”的麦霸代表,以及报名参加跨年晚会的普通观众。程程、袁野、阿政、睡裤王子、小强等熟悉的麦霸面孔以及众多的报名观众将在岁末相约荧屏,一起无限欢唱、跨越2008!
100路“接歌词”热线同时开通 5000元巨额红包大派送
不比明星、不比排场,浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”将打造电视史上互动最强、演唱曲目最多、奖金最为丰厚的跨年演唱会!2008年12月31日20:25——2009年1月1日0:25,浙江卫视跨年晚会现场将同时开通100路观众热线电话,如果场上的麦霸选手接不出歌词,场外观众可以随时通过100路热线电话进行“歌词大拯救”。场外的观众朋友只要能接对歌词,就能赢得浙江卫视送出的岁末“歌词大红包”,并帮助场内的麦霸选手升级现场的爱心公益金。
齐秦大哥时空连线 见证2009年首笔爱心公益金
浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”不仅将是一场岁末狂欢的草根盛会,还将是一场慈善的爱心捐助晚会!持续四个小时的歌会,将是一场无限欢唱的歌词募捐会,平民麦霸将一一亮相,挑战“记歌词”,募集爱心公益金。此次的“中国蓝 爱心公益金”将上不封顶,场内选手和场外观众赢得多少奖金,浙江卫视就将捐出同等数额的奖金!场内选手和场外观众只要能接对歌词,就能持续升级爱心公益金的数额。当晚,最终产生的“中国蓝 爱心公益金”将成为2009年首笔诞生的慈善公益金,成为慈善事业的专项基金,将在歌会现场捐给青川县红光乡中心小学的师生,帮助他们度过寒冬,重建校园。浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”,将邀您共同见证2009年首笔“中国蓝 爱心公益金”的诞生!
草根对阵明星,全民互动对垒群星闪耀!浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”,最新鲜独特的玩法,最惊心刺激的奖励,最强的观众互动,最令人期待的神秘嘉宾。2008年12月31日20:25,在各大卫视争相打明星牌的时候,浙江卫视的这场全民互动歌会,绝对值得期待!
挑战“群星闪耀” 电视电台集结 浙江卫视依旧麦霸欢唱
08年的跨年晚会,浙江卫视可谓是剑走偏锋,选择了一条独特的跨年路线。继浙江卫视王牌娱乐节目《我爱记歌词》席卷晚间收视之后,浙江卫视顺势延续《我爱记歌词》“全国麦霸城市对决”的热度,把独特的“麦霸”资源整合到08年年末,亮出了“草根狂欢”的跨年牌!2008年12月31日20:25,浙江卫视将在杭州西湖体育馆内直播“中国蓝 跨越2008全民互动歌会”,我唱上句,你接下句,连续四小时,唱响近200首经典歌曲!
“今年跨年,我们将不启用任何明星,而是要打造一场前所未有、纯草根的跨年演唱会。”浙江卫视节目中心杜主任表示:“年年都是明星,观众都有点审美疲劳。今年我们想搞点新花样,做一场全国观众都能广泛参与,并且能从中得到乐趣的跨年演唱会。可以说,今年浙江卫视的跨年演唱会上,没有明星,又都是明星,因为所有参与的观众都将成为我们跨年演唱会上的准明星。”据了解,今年浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”的演出阵容将是清一色的平民麦霸,都是来自《我爱记歌词》往期节目、连续三季“全国麦霸城市对决”的麦霸代表,以及报名参加跨年晚会的普通观众。程程、袁野、阿政、睡裤王子、小强等熟悉的麦霸面孔以及众多的报名观众将在岁末相约荧屏,一起无限欢唱、跨越2008!
100路“接歌词”热线同时开通 5000元巨额红包大派送
不比明星、不比排场,浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”将打造电视史上互动最强、演唱曲目最多、奖金最为丰厚的跨年演唱会!2008年12月31日20:25——2009年1月1日0:25,浙江卫视跨年晚会现场将同时开通100路观众热线电话,如果场上的麦霸选手接不出歌词,场外观众可以随时通过100路热线电话进行“歌词大拯救”。场外的观众朋友只要能接对歌词,就能赢得浙江卫视送出的岁末“歌词大红包”,并帮助场内的麦霸选手升级现场的爱心公益金。
齐秦大哥时空连线 见证2009年首笔爱心公益金
浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”不仅将是一场岁末狂欢的草根盛会,还将是一场慈善的爱心捐助晚会!持续四个小时的歌会,将是一场无限欢唱的歌词募捐会,平民麦霸将一一亮相,挑战“记歌词”,募集爱心公益金。此次的“中国蓝 爱心公益金”将上不封顶,场内选手和场外观众赢得多少奖金,浙江卫视就将捐出同等数额的奖金!场内选手和场外观众只要能接对歌词,就能持续升级爱心公益金的数额。当晚,最终产生的“中国蓝 爱心公益金”将成为2009年首笔诞生的慈善公益金,成为慈善事业的专项基金,将在歌会现场捐给青川县红光乡中心小学的师生,帮助他们度过寒冬,重建校园。浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”,将邀您共同见证2009年首笔“中国蓝 爱心公益金”的诞生!
草根对阵明星,全民互动对垒群星闪耀!浙江卫视“中国蓝 跨越2008 全民互动歌会”,最新鲜独特的玩法,最惊心刺激的奖励,最强的观众互动,最令人期待的神秘嘉宾。2008年12月31日20:25,在各大卫视争相打明星牌的时候,浙江卫视的这场全民互动歌会,绝对值得期待!
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
今晚8:30新任霸主成都来袭 守擂神话能否继续
来源:浙江卫视 2008-12-30
Monday, 29 December 2008
Forwarded: <<我爱记歌词>>胞弟 ----《更生更有戏》出世
名角儿 名主持邀戏迷票友一道“接歌词”
来源:浙江卫视 2008-12-29
《我爱记歌词》走红,很大原因是应了广大流行乐迷的要求,在轻松的氛围里带领观众一边动脑子接歌词、一边温习回顾经典的流行歌曲,于是,大量流行歌曲爱好者趋之若鹜;《更生更有戏》的节目样式与《我爱记歌词》如出一辙,只是打起了“戏迷”的主意,巧妙地把记歌词变为记戏曲唱词, 以京剧、越剧、黄梅戏、豫剧等剧种为主的戏曲唱词接龙游戏。
浙江卫视《更生更有戏》栏目相关负责人表示:“戏曲作为中华民族的艺术瑰宝,不应该是小众的,也不会随着时光的流逝而消亡,反之,他应该与时俱进,不断引进新元素、流行因子,继续成为现代乐坛的焦点。我们的栏目就是要借助最FASHION的节目形式,把经典的东西重新包装推广给大众。让 “经典”也能 “流行”起来。
《更生更有戏》是一档游戏益智元素和流行选秀元素相结合的戏曲综艺游戏节目,将平民参与、才艺展示、审美审丑、游戏益智、观众互动融为一体,尝试让人看到一个民族化、戏曲版的《我爱记歌词》,届时,舞台上一幅幅鲜明的鸳鸯瓦、一群群生动的活菩萨、一笔笔勾描、一点点夸大的“经典艺术”将呈现在观众眼前,耳熟能详的戏曲唱段让观众体验吟唱的乐趣,脱口而出的经典唱词观众感受怀旧的温馨, 时尚戏曲、全新演绎。参与者水平高低、嗓子好坏都不是问题,各年龄层观众都可以乐在其中,使每一个具有娱乐精神的人都可以秀上一把。《我爱记歌词》已是一档成功栏目。《更生更有戏》栏目作为《我爱记歌词》的戏曲版期待着能吸引更多观众的眼球。
你爱看电视吗 ?你热爱戏曲吗?你具有娱乐精神吗?请关注1月2日21:21浙江卫视《我爱记歌词》的戏曲版——《更生更有戏》。
来源:浙江卫视 2008-12-29
《我爱记歌词》走红,很大原因是应了广大流行乐迷的要求,在轻松的氛围里带领观众一边动脑子接歌词、一边温习回顾经典的流行歌曲,于是,大量流行歌曲爱好者趋之若鹜;《更生更有戏》的节目样式与《我爱记歌词》如出一辙,只是打起了“戏迷”的主意,巧妙地把记歌词变为记戏曲唱词, 以京剧、越剧、黄梅戏、豫剧等剧种为主的戏曲唱词接龙游戏。
浙江卫视《更生更有戏》栏目相关负责人表示:“戏曲作为中华民族的艺术瑰宝,不应该是小众的,也不会随着时光的流逝而消亡,反之,他应该与时俱进,不断引进新元素、流行因子,继续成为现代乐坛的焦点。我们的栏目就是要借助最FASHION的节目形式,把经典的东西重新包装推广给大众。让 “经典”也能 “流行”起来。
《更生更有戏》是一档游戏益智元素和流行选秀元素相结合的戏曲综艺游戏节目,将平民参与、才艺展示、审美审丑、游戏益智、观众互动融为一体,尝试让人看到一个民族化、戏曲版的《我爱记歌词》,届时,舞台上一幅幅鲜明的鸳鸯瓦、一群群生动的活菩萨、一笔笔勾描、一点点夸大的“经典艺术”将呈现在观众眼前,耳熟能详的戏曲唱段让观众体验吟唱的乐趣,脱口而出的经典唱词观众感受怀旧的温馨, 时尚戏曲、全新演绎。参与者水平高低、嗓子好坏都不是问题,各年龄层观众都可以乐在其中,使每一个具有娱乐精神的人都可以秀上一把。《我爱记歌词》已是一档成功栏目。《更生更有戏》栏目作为《我爱记歌词》的戏曲版期待着能吸引更多观众的眼球。
你爱看电视吗 ?你热爱戏曲吗?你具有娱乐精神吗?请关注1月2日21:21浙江卫视《我爱记歌词》的戏曲版——《更生更有戏》。
Forwarded: 重庆VS沈阳 年度总决赛王者争霸今晚开幕
来源:浙江卫视 2008-12-29
重庆VS沈阳 王者争霸今晚开幕
12月29日20:30 现场直播
重庆VS沈阳 王者争霸今晚开幕
12月29日20:30 现场直播
Sunday, 28 December 2008
有些外行人明明不了解一些特定机构是如何运作的,却也要厚着那连子弹都射不穿的脸来给别人建议;强行希望别人认可,真不知道那里有问题! 即便后来真的足以证明它真的是象"高人"所想的那般有问题,相信该机构的内部审核人员也会负责吧?!不是吗?!
如果真的不方便,直接摆明说我不要就好了嘛;最讨厌"假人"! 然而,这个世界现在仿佛也跟着这个地球一样一起发"高烧";越"假"的人越成功,真是怪了!
Bye Bye!
有些外行人明明不了解一些特定机构是如何运作的,却也要厚着那连子弹都射不穿的脸来给别人建议;强行希望别人认可,真不知道那里有问题! 即便后来真的足以证明它真的是象"高人"所想的那般有问题,相信该机构的内部审核人员也会负责吧?!不是吗?!
如果真的不方便,直接摆明说我不要就好了嘛;最讨厌"假人"! 然而,这个世界现在仿佛也跟着这个地球一样一起发"高烧";越"假"的人越成功,真是怪了!
Bye Bye!
Forwarded: 蓉城攻破春城 成都卫冕“成功之都”
比赛现场,华少和朱丹都收到了昆明队的意外惊喜:哈尼族美女小花将女性向男性求爱的“香囊”戴在华少身上,害得华少故作郁闷讲到;“直播后我要向太太坦白我是在不知情的情况下接收了香囊,但是直播现场我还是抓紧时间爽一下吧。” 汉族帅哥“阿狼”更是直言不讳自己对美女主持朱丹的爱慕,在选歌环节毫不犹豫地选择朱丹手拿的牌子上的歌,虽然因接唱失败输掉了比赛,他还是开心的表白:“能够见到朱丹,虽败犹喜,不虚此行。”华少在一边坏笑着接到:“这真是狼子野心,昭然若揭。”
比赛现场,华少和朱丹都收到了昆明队的意外惊喜:哈尼族美女小花将女性向男性求爱的“香囊”戴在华少身上,害得华少故作郁闷讲到;“直播后我要向太太坦白我是在不知情的情况下接收了香囊,但是直播现场我还是抓紧时间爽一下吧。” 汉族帅哥“阿狼”更是直言不讳自己对美女主持朱丹的爱慕,在选歌环节毫不犹豫地选择朱丹手拿的牌子上的歌,虽然因接唱失败输掉了比赛,他还是开心的表白:“能够见到朱丹,虽败犹喜,不虚此行。”华少在一边坏笑着接到:“这真是狼子野心,昭然若揭。”
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Forwarded: 浙江卫视跨年晚会招募选手
2008年12月31日20:25,浙江卫视“中国蓝跨越2008全民互动歌会”将在杭州西湖体育馆内激情唱响。连续四小时, 200多首经典歌曲将以“我唱上句,你接下句”的互动方式被唱响,只要您能接对一句歌词,就能为青川的孩子募得一笔公益金。越接近新年钟声,每句歌词能赢得的公益金将会以意想不到的方式惊喜递增。
您想成为这个舞台上最耀眼的“民星”吗?您想拥有一次特殊的体验与全国人民一起跨越2008吗? “全民互动歌会”期待您的热情参与,一起来跨越2008,一起来奉献爱心。
您想成为这个舞台上最耀眼的“民星”吗?您想拥有一次特殊的体验与全国人民一起跨越2008吗? “全民互动歌会”期待您的热情参与,一起来跨越2008,一起来奉献爱心。
Delayed: New Books for future...
Here are snaps of my new books purchased from Kuala Lumpur for ACCA:

GTG ACCA F8 & F9 Study Text.

GTG ACCA F3, F5, F7 Study Text

GTG ACCA F1, F2 Study Text + ACCA F3 Question Bank

CAT Paper 8 Text & Exam Kits from BPP + OBU Guide Book for 2008-2009 session.

CAT Paper 8 Pass Card from BPP & CAT Paper 8 Pocket Notes from Kaplan.

CAT Paper 8 (Texts & Exam Kits) from Kaplan.
Total cost amounting to MYR 911, what a good permutation & combination that I got accidentally. Haha...anyway, it's time for me to take this half year to work it through before attending "official" lectures!
Bye bye!
GTG ACCA F8 & F9 Study Text.
GTG ACCA F3, F5, F7 Study Text
GTG ACCA F1, F2 Study Text + ACCA F3 Question Bank
CAT Paper 8 Text & Exam Kits from BPP + OBU Guide Book for 2008-2009 session.
CAT Paper 8 Pass Card from BPP & CAT Paper 8 Pocket Notes from Kaplan.
CAT Paper 8 (Texts & Exam Kits) from Kaplan.
Total cost amounting to MYR 911, what a good permutation & combination that I got accidentally. Haha...anyway, it's time for me to take this half year to work it through before attending "official" lectures!
Bye bye!
Thursday, 18 December 2008
是什么呢?无庸质疑,演唱会也! 今年TVBS 跨年有S.H.E, 另外一场的不知道由谁转播. 中国各台也将有各自的跨年演唱会,不知道有什么CAST而已! 今年岁末,还有一个选择:
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
中国浙江卫视的<<我爱记歌词>>,台视<<百万大歌星>>,东森<< Money Money Microphone >> 便是其中的一些例子.当然,还有造就许多明日唱将的选秀节目;都是你我的最佳的音乐良伴.
Bye bye.
中国浙江卫视的<<我爱记歌词>>,台视<<百万大歌星>>,东森<< Money Money Microphone >> 便是其中的一些例子.当然,还有造就许多明日唱将的选秀节目;都是你我的最佳的音乐良伴.
Bye bye.
Hoping for cheaper price...
Following the high dropping rate in global crude oil prices, almost all people around the world are relief with the dropping trend (of course this excludes those in the oil and gas industries).
The retail price had dropped, so does fuel surcharges in flying industries. Following Air Asia footsteps, firefly yesterday officially removed it's fuel surcharge. It would mean a reduction of at least 27 MYR in total ticket price. With the zero fares in some flights, one way fares would simply cost MYR 35 all in for domestic destinations, which is competitive (or literally at the same level of Air Asia.)
Anyway, what I hope to see (and I think all Malaysian also) is that MAS & MASWings would take the same steps also in the near future so that we can enjoy more reasonable ticket prices.
Let's pray that this would come true one day in the very near future.
Bye bye!
The retail price had dropped, so does fuel surcharges in flying industries. Following Air Asia footsteps, firefly yesterday officially removed it's fuel surcharge. It would mean a reduction of at least 27 MYR in total ticket price. With the zero fares in some flights, one way fares would simply cost MYR 35 all in for domestic destinations, which is competitive (or literally at the same level of Air Asia.)
Anyway, what I hope to see (and I think all Malaysian also) is that MAS & MASWings would take the same steps also in the near future so that we can enjoy more reasonable ticket prices.
Let's pray that this would come true one day in the very near future.
Bye bye!
Monday, 15 December 2008
来源:文化传播网 2008-12-12
昨天,据浙江广电集团节目购销中心的工作人员陈莉莉透露,早在今年5月,马来西亚WaTV 就主动联系他们,并以单集1000美元的高价一次性购买了26期《我爱记歌词》的节目版权。从今年6月份开始,《我爱记歌词》已经陆续在印度尼西亚、马来西亚、文莱等国家和地区播出,反响十分热烈。据悉,近段时间,MTV频道也有意购买《我爱记歌词》。
昨天,据浙江广电集团节目购销中心的工作人员陈莉莉透露,早在今年5月,马来西亚WaTV 就主动联系他们,并以单集1000美元的高价一次性购买了26期《我爱记歌词》的节目版权。从今年6月份开始,《我爱记歌词》已经陆续在印度尼西亚、马来西亚、文莱等国家和地区播出,反响十分热烈。据悉,近段时间,MTV频道也有意购买《我爱记歌词》。
Planes again...
In line with China & Taiwan daily Chartered flights which begins today, let's see some planes pictures shoot by my father at HKIA.
Ready? Go!

Dragon Air...(Cathay subsidiary or associate, forgot liao...)

British Airways...

The very first airline to fly A380...SIA...Shown here is of course NOT A380...

Royal Brunei...

Vietnam Airlines...

Cathay Pacific from Hong Kong...
Happy flying, haha...
Bye bye!
Ready? Go!
Dragon Air...(Cathay subsidiary or associate, forgot liao...)
British Airways...
The very first airline to fly A380...SIA...Shown here is of course NOT A380...
Royal Brunei...
Vietnam Airlines...
Cathay Pacific from Hong Kong...
Happy flying, haha...
Bye bye!
Sunday, 14 December 2008
或许这篇稿会让你不知所云, 但最近真的有种感慨;人或许还真的是善忘的动物,忘了人际关系上对等的重要性.
或许这篇稿会让你不知所云, 但最近真的有种感慨;人或许还真的是善忘的动物,忘了人际关系上对等的重要性.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Concluding CAT course at Fajar...
What’s in my mind after reviewing my one and a half year with CAT at Fajar is that, the professional exams are not that hard actually, provided that the lecturer who bring me is of a good quality: Being able to deliver the essential knowledge effectively and give a guidance on how to prepare towards exams within the 6 months period. That would be far more than enough for me. With those two crucial criteria being fulfilled and having own hard works (the third issue towards exams success), I think it is not that hard to get a pass.
May god help everyone who do professional exams...
With holidays start today, it's time to relax for a while before thinking of what's the next milestones for me...
May god help everyone who do professional exams...
With holidays start today, it's time to relax for a while before thinking of what's the next milestones for me...
Exams 3: P T10
Finally all ACCA students had finished their December 2008 exam sitting yesterday.
Yesterday paper is Paper 10, here is the conclusion:
This paper appears to me really sad for me. Although the questions coverage is almost exactly the same as the past 9 sittings since 2004, but then the “application skills” expected was quite hard. Another thing is that I didn’t really understand thoroughly the syllabus content…due to that lousy lecturer…the status for this paper really sound bad…
Well, there's nothing more that I can say. Just need to want and see how my final results appear to be when the time come on 16 February 2009...
Yesterday paper is Paper 10, here is the conclusion:
This paper appears to me really sad for me. Although the questions coverage is almost exactly the same as the past 9 sittings since 2004, but then the “application skills” expected was quite hard. Another thing is that I didn’t really understand thoroughly the syllabus content…due to that lousy lecturer…the status for this paper really sound bad…
Well, there's nothing more that I can say. Just need to want and see how my final results appear to be when the time come on 16 February 2009...
Friday, 5 December 2008
Exams 2: P T5
Well this afternoon took the killer paper: Managing People and System.
Erm...really torturing...I thought since this is the last sitting, it would be a little bit easier...but then it turn out to be not the case...
Others seems like...dont know la...for me, I just really pray that can get a 40 marks to pass...really really dont want to sit in that hall for the third time!!!!!!Thank god!
OK! Just forget it and concentrate for the last paper on next Wednesday which involve managing finance. Hope can cope with this half calculations, half theories papers...
Guess that's all. Bye bye!
Erm...really torturing...I thought since this is the last sitting, it would be a little bit easier...but then it turn out to be not the case...
Others seems like...dont know la...for me, I just really pray that can get a 40 marks to pass...really really dont want to sit in that hall for the third time!!!!!!Thank god!
OK! Just forget it and concentrate for the last paper on next Wednesday which involve managing finance. Hope can cope with this half calculations, half theories papers...
Guess that's all. Bye bye!
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Exams 1: P T7
Having just finished my first paper for this semester, about hundreds of people took the exams roughly. Performance? "Feeling" can secure at least a pass, since I managed to "force" myself to write as much as possible; this might be the most complete script that I had ever submitted for a purely written papers all this while. Praying that with that can allow me to earn a good credit, yeah!
Coming up is the "killer" management paper, with "mountains" of "old candidates" taking the exams all over the time. Since this sitting is the LAST sitting under current format, I am praying that it would be a little bit easier.
Then, is the time to prepare for Paper 10, managing finance; which is also a "not so easy" one. Hoping this three may bring the luck of at least all pass in order for me to earn a full certificate of CAT before going a stage further in financial course.
Guess that's all. Bye bye!
Coming up is the "killer" management paper, with "mountains" of "old candidates" taking the exams all over the time. Since this sitting is the LAST sitting under current format, I am praying that it would be a little bit easier.
Then, is the time to prepare for Paper 10, managing finance; which is also a "not so easy" one. Hoping this three may bring the luck of at least all pass in order for me to earn a full certificate of CAT before going a stage further in financial course.
Guess that's all. Bye bye!
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Forwarded News: Air Asia off for London on March 2009
A Dream Fulfilled For AirAsia Chief
LONDON, Nov 26 (Bernama) -- The launch of long-haul budget carrier AirAsia X's London Stansted-Kuala Lumpur service means many things to many people but for Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes, AirAsia group chief executive officer, it signals the culmination of a long-held dream, not to mention a revolution of air travel between Europe and Asia.
"It's kind of a surreal moment, a very special moment for me," he said as he began to address guests and international media who had assembled at the London County Hall by the River Thames for the launch of the carrier's five times weekly direct flights scheduled to take off on March 11, 2009, with fares starting from 99 pounds each way.
Taking his audience through chapters of his journey in the airline industry, Fernandes said his first dream was really to start a long-haul low-cost flight between London and the Malaysian capital.
In a speech sprinkled liberally with witty remarks and anecdotes, he said: "I've been dreaming about this since I was 12 years old. When I reached my school here I wanted to go straight back because I'd never seen such a dormitory in my life, coming from nice, cozy Malaysia and all."
The young Fernandes rang up his parents, pleading with them to let him come home.
"And they said no because it was too expensive. So I started on my quest to have low fares to Malaysia and at mid-day today (London time Tuesday) my quest will end," said a beaming Fernandes, referring to the start of online booking for the Kuala Lumpur-London flights.
The British capital is AirAsia X's fifth destination, having started its commercial service with its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Australia's Gold Coast on Nov 2, 2007, before adding the Chinese city of Hangzhou as well as Perth and Melbourne to its network this year.
The Kuala Lumpur-Perth route began on Nov 2, 2008, using the carrier's brand new Airbus A330 plane delivered on Oct 31 -- the first of 25 A330s on order. The no-frills carrier is expected to receive its second A330 next month, with the remaining planes slotted for delivery up till 2013.
For the London Stansted-Kuala Lumpur sector, AirAsia X will use the Airbus A340 aircraft from Air Canada.
"This is an interim arrangement before we decide on the Boeing 787 or A350," Fernandes said, adding that with the AirAsia group being so Airbus-driven, it would be "more than likely that we'll take the A350".
Besides the 99-pound fare, travellers may also book premium seats from 549 pounds that will allow them to enjoy one of 30 fully reclinable leather seats with extra legroom as they fly the 12 to 13 hours between Kuala Lumpur and London.
Passengers can pre-order full meals, including Asian, Western and vegetarian fares as well as children's meals. Light snacks are also available for purchase onboard.
Air travel from London to Malaysia typically costs in the region of 500 pounds to 600 pounds.
The route launch took place in wintry London weather, with everyone bundling up to enjoy an outdoor Malaysian cultural performance followed by a special performance from a girls' band.
As photographers clicked away and television cameras rolled, Fernandes and AirAsia X chief executive officer Azran Osman-Rani pulled the cover off an outsized "99" figure.
Fernandes, a former music industry executive, recalled that when he first mentioned his dream of starting long-haul budget flights between London and Kuala Lumpur, "everyone told me that it wouldn't work".
That did not stop him from building up AirAsia for short-haul routes with only two planes seven years ago -- an entity that has since grown to 86 planes carrying tens of millions of passengers.
Fernandes said: "We've been through the bird flu, tsunami, state-owned airlines; you name it, we've had it. But we always manage to find a way out of it.
"So it has been quite a ride but nothing beats what we're doing today (Tuesday) as at 12pm someone can buy a seat to Malaysia for 99 pounds, which to me, has made all the pain of the last seven years well worth it."
AirAsia X is 48 percent-owned by Aero Ventures Sdn Bhd while Virgin Group and AirAsia Bhd each holds a 16 percent stake in the carrier. Bahrain-based Manara Consortium and Japan's Orix Corp have taken a total of 20 percent stake in the airline.
Fernandes opined that despite all the doom and gloom of the current economic slowdown, "there is still a market for innovation and people want to come out to our part of the world and many people want to come out from Southeast Asia and Malaysia to London".
Wearing the hat of a Malaysian tourism promoter, he said: "We live in a wonderful country. I'm blessed to have been born in an amazing place with people from different colours, creeds and religions. We have all kinds of issues but, you know, we all get on pretty well.
"So do come to visit us and when you do, you also have the option within three hours from Malaysia to go to some of the most amazing countries and places in the world. We have an incredible route network and at 99 pounds, the opportunity for Londoners and Europeans to explore the Asean region has never been greater."
Fernandes also paid a special tribute to Sir Freddie Laker, the British pioneer of charter airlines who died in 2006.
"The guy really got me thinking about long-haul low-cost travel. I used to be amazed by the Laker Skytrain back in the 70s, the first low-cost transatlantic operation. And we've decided to name our first plane after Sir Freddie, it's called The Spirit of Sir Freddie," he said.
Meanwhile, Stansted airport managing director Stewart Wingate said the AirAsia X team had made a "fantastic choice" in choosing the airport as the base for the airline's operations in the United Kingdom.
"We offer excellent access to London, the new Olympic venues, as well as great access to the southeast and eastern England region, not to mention the access across the European network that we currently have at Stansted," he said of the third busiest airport in the United Kingdom.
With 23 million passengers passing through it, Stansted has over 29 scheduled and charter airlines serving 162 destinations across 32 countries.
LONDON, Nov 26 (Bernama) -- The launch of long-haul budget carrier AirAsia X's London Stansted-Kuala Lumpur service means many things to many people but for Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes, AirAsia group chief executive officer, it signals the culmination of a long-held dream, not to mention a revolution of air travel between Europe and Asia.
"It's kind of a surreal moment, a very special moment for me," he said as he began to address guests and international media who had assembled at the London County Hall by the River Thames for the launch of the carrier's five times weekly direct flights scheduled to take off on March 11, 2009, with fares starting from 99 pounds each way.
Taking his audience through chapters of his journey in the airline industry, Fernandes said his first dream was really to start a long-haul low-cost flight between London and the Malaysian capital.
In a speech sprinkled liberally with witty remarks and anecdotes, he said: "I've been dreaming about this since I was 12 years old. When I reached my school here I wanted to go straight back because I'd never seen such a dormitory in my life, coming from nice, cozy Malaysia and all."
The young Fernandes rang up his parents, pleading with them to let him come home.
"And they said no because it was too expensive. So I started on my quest to have low fares to Malaysia and at mid-day today (London time Tuesday) my quest will end," said a beaming Fernandes, referring to the start of online booking for the Kuala Lumpur-London flights.
The British capital is AirAsia X's fifth destination, having started its commercial service with its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Australia's Gold Coast on Nov 2, 2007, before adding the Chinese city of Hangzhou as well as Perth and Melbourne to its network this year.
The Kuala Lumpur-Perth route began on Nov 2, 2008, using the carrier's brand new Airbus A330 plane delivered on Oct 31 -- the first of 25 A330s on order. The no-frills carrier is expected to receive its second A330 next month, with the remaining planes slotted for delivery up till 2013.
For the London Stansted-Kuala Lumpur sector, AirAsia X will use the Airbus A340 aircraft from Air Canada.
"This is an interim arrangement before we decide on the Boeing 787 or A350," Fernandes said, adding that with the AirAsia group being so Airbus-driven, it would be "more than likely that we'll take the A350".
Besides the 99-pound fare, travellers may also book premium seats from 549 pounds that will allow them to enjoy one of 30 fully reclinable leather seats with extra legroom as they fly the 12 to 13 hours between Kuala Lumpur and London.
Passengers can pre-order full meals, including Asian, Western and vegetarian fares as well as children's meals. Light snacks are also available for purchase onboard.
Air travel from London to Malaysia typically costs in the region of 500 pounds to 600 pounds.
The route launch took place in wintry London weather, with everyone bundling up to enjoy an outdoor Malaysian cultural performance followed by a special performance from a girls' band.
As photographers clicked away and television cameras rolled, Fernandes and AirAsia X chief executive officer Azran Osman-Rani pulled the cover off an outsized "99" figure.
Fernandes, a former music industry executive, recalled that when he first mentioned his dream of starting long-haul budget flights between London and Kuala Lumpur, "everyone told me that it wouldn't work".
That did not stop him from building up AirAsia for short-haul routes with only two planes seven years ago -- an entity that has since grown to 86 planes carrying tens of millions of passengers.
Fernandes said: "We've been through the bird flu, tsunami, state-owned airlines; you name it, we've had it. But we always manage to find a way out of it.
"So it has been quite a ride but nothing beats what we're doing today (Tuesday) as at 12pm someone can buy a seat to Malaysia for 99 pounds, which to me, has made all the pain of the last seven years well worth it."
AirAsia X is 48 percent-owned by Aero Ventures Sdn Bhd while Virgin Group and AirAsia Bhd each holds a 16 percent stake in the carrier. Bahrain-based Manara Consortium and Japan's Orix Corp have taken a total of 20 percent stake in the airline.
Fernandes opined that despite all the doom and gloom of the current economic slowdown, "there is still a market for innovation and people want to come out to our part of the world and many people want to come out from Southeast Asia and Malaysia to London".
Wearing the hat of a Malaysian tourism promoter, he said: "We live in a wonderful country. I'm blessed to have been born in an amazing place with people from different colours, creeds and religions. We have all kinds of issues but, you know, we all get on pretty well.
"So do come to visit us and when you do, you also have the option within three hours from Malaysia to go to some of the most amazing countries and places in the world. We have an incredible route network and at 99 pounds, the opportunity for Londoners and Europeans to explore the Asean region has never been greater."
Fernandes also paid a special tribute to Sir Freddie Laker, the British pioneer of charter airlines who died in 2006.
"The guy really got me thinking about long-haul low-cost travel. I used to be amazed by the Laker Skytrain back in the 70s, the first low-cost transatlantic operation. And we've decided to name our first plane after Sir Freddie, it's called The Spirit of Sir Freddie," he said.
Meanwhile, Stansted airport managing director Stewart Wingate said the AirAsia X team had made a "fantastic choice" in choosing the airport as the base for the airline's operations in the United Kingdom.
"We offer excellent access to London, the new Olympic venues, as well as great access to the southeast and eastern England region, not to mention the access across the European network that we currently have at Stansted," he said of the third busiest airport in the United Kingdom.
With 23 million passengers passing through it, Stansted has over 29 scheduled and charter airlines serving 162 destinations across 32 countries.
Accounting On Demand 3 --- Equity Methods
1. Group’s shares of the associate’s net assets are to be calculated as follows:
Calculations:(% of share of the associate’s net assets + goodwill at NBV) = c/f value of the associate in the balance sheet.
2. For P&L (Income statement):
(A) Cost of investment & dividend income within the associate are cancelled but other inter-company items are NOT cancelled.
(B) Items to included:
1. Profits before tax(Less any goodwill amortisation)
2. Taxation.
3. Issues on Group reserves:
(A) Group’s shares of the associate’s post acquisition reserves that are calculated as normal.
(B) Cumulative amortisation of goodwill will be deducted from parent’s reserves in the group reserves calculation.
Calculations:(% of share of the associate’s net assets + goodwill at NBV) = c/f value of the associate in the balance sheet.
2. For P&L (Income statement):
(A) Cost of investment & dividend income within the associate are cancelled but other inter-company items are NOT cancelled.
(B) Items to included:
1. Profits before tax(Less any goodwill amortisation)
2. Taxation.
3. Issues on Group reserves:
(A) Group’s shares of the associate’s post acquisition reserves that are calculated as normal.
(B) Cumulative amortisation of goodwill will be deducted from parent’s reserves in the group reserves calculation.
Accounting On Demand 2 --- Associates: What is it?
1. An enterprise in which the investor has significant influence and which is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture of the investor.
2. The investor should own around 20% - 50% of the ordinary shares of the company concerned to play a significant influences.
2. The investor should own around 20% - 50% of the ordinary shares of the company concerned to play a significant influences.
Accounting On Demand 1 --- Key adjustments required in preparing consolidated income statement
1. Intra-group trading is to be removed from group accounts by reducing the amount from sales revenues & cost of sales amount.
2. Any unrealised profits on inventories thus acquired and was held at year-end are to be deducted from consolidated gross profits figures.
3. Inventory values are to be reduced by the amount of any unrealised profits arising from intra-group trading.
4. The minority interest in the subsidiary company’s results for the year-end is to be determined.
5. The intra-group dividends are to be account for. ONLY Parents’ dividends are taken into consideration in preparing group accounts.
6. Pre-acquisition profits are to be removed.
7. Amortisation of goodwill is to be calculated separately also when preparing group accounts. It will not be given directly.
2. Any unrealised profits on inventories thus acquired and was held at year-end are to be deducted from consolidated gross profits figures.
3. Inventory values are to be reduced by the amount of any unrealised profits arising from intra-group trading.
4. The minority interest in the subsidiary company’s results for the year-end is to be determined.
5. The intra-group dividends are to be account for. ONLY Parents’ dividends are taken into consideration in preparing group accounts.
6. Pre-acquisition profits are to be removed.
7. Amortisation of goodwill is to be calculated separately also when preparing group accounts. It will not be given directly.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Happy New Year 12...Lastly: Mr is it...
豬 Pig born in: 1935(75), 1947(63), 1959(51), 1971(39), 1983(27),1995(15), 2007(3)
Overall Forecast
There are many unlucky stars this year. However, there is still hope as there are a few lucky stars that can lend you a hand. As such, people born in the year of pig is advise to be modest, humble,handle matter logically and try not to be too aggressive. Students will have no problem with study. Be mindful with your investment this year. Don’t invest too much. Be vigilance and never make any hasty moves or decisions.
Career or business luck is considered normal with minor obstacle popping along the way. As long as you are modest, humble and handle the matter logically, you should be fine. Evaluate every situation and do not attempt any huge investment. This year is not a good year to change job.
You will feel vexed and stressed out this year with regards to relationship. There is constant conflict and argument this year. Be more tolerant, forgiving and understanding. Learn to give and take. It is not worth it fighting over trivial matters.
You might lose wealth this year. Be conservative in your expenses. Remember to save up for rainy days. Do not gamble or speculate in share, you don’t have luck there. Your normal income is stable.
Relationship luck is not good and as such, you will constantly burn out. This will affect your health. Take some time off to unwind and don’t sweat over small matters. Open up your mind. When outdoor, take extra precaution as you are prone to accident.
Overall Forecast
There are many unlucky stars this year. However, there is still hope as there are a few lucky stars that can lend you a hand. As such, people born in the year of pig is advise to be modest, humble,handle matter logically and try not to be too aggressive. Students will have no problem with study. Be mindful with your investment this year. Don’t invest too much. Be vigilance and never make any hasty moves or decisions.
Career or business luck is considered normal with minor obstacle popping along the way. As long as you are modest, humble and handle the matter logically, you should be fine. Evaluate every situation and do not attempt any huge investment. This year is not a good year to change job.
You will feel vexed and stressed out this year with regards to relationship. There is constant conflict and argument this year. Be more tolerant, forgiving and understanding. Learn to give and take. It is not worth it fighting over trivial matters.
You might lose wealth this year. Be conservative in your expenses. Remember to save up for rainy days. Do not gamble or speculate in share, you don’t have luck there. Your normal income is stable.
Relationship luck is not good and as such, you will constantly burn out. This will affect your health. Take some time off to unwind and don’t sweat over small matters. Open up your mind. When outdoor, take extra precaution as you are prone to accident.
Happy New Year 11...Dogs bits...
狗 Dog Born in: 1934(76), 1946(64), 1958(52), 1970(40), 1982(28),1994(16), 2006(4)
Overall Forecast
This year your luck is good as there are many lucky star shining on you this year. However, there is also unlucky star. As such, be extra caution when making decision. Keep to your path and avoid gossiping. Be mindful of petty people. Be alert and always ready for challenge ahead. A good year to purchase property or move house.
Smooth and good year for your career progression. There will be increase in business volume. Be mindful of the way you communicate as you might offend the other party without you knowing it.Maintain good relationship with your superior. If you are in business, maintain good relationship with your business associates. It is better to maintain a harmony relationship to keep petty people at bay.
Relationship luck is good also. However, be faithful and be careful with sexual trap. Couples will enjoy the company of each other but be careful of third party trying to break the relationship. Those that are unattached will find love this year. Maintain harmonious relationship with peers, friends,and business associates.
Wealth luck is superb. If there is chance to purchase property or start a new business, go for it.Since wealth luck is favourable, be vigilance and be careful of petty people. Don’t be greedy and showy as it will invites unnecessary problem later.
Health is normal this year. Cut down on drinking and sexual activity. There is danger caused by lust.
Overall Forecast
This year your luck is good as there are many lucky star shining on you this year. However, there is also unlucky star. As such, be extra caution when making decision. Keep to your path and avoid gossiping. Be mindful of petty people. Be alert and always ready for challenge ahead. A good year to purchase property or move house.
Smooth and good year for your career progression. There will be increase in business volume. Be mindful of the way you communicate as you might offend the other party without you knowing it.Maintain good relationship with your superior. If you are in business, maintain good relationship with your business associates. It is better to maintain a harmony relationship to keep petty people at bay.
Relationship luck is good also. However, be faithful and be careful with sexual trap. Couples will enjoy the company of each other but be careful of third party trying to break the relationship. Those that are unattached will find love this year. Maintain harmonious relationship with peers, friends,and business associates.
Wealth luck is superb. If there is chance to purchase property or start a new business, go for it.Since wealth luck is favourable, be vigilance and be careful of petty people. Don’t be greedy and showy as it will invites unnecessary problem later.
Health is normal this year. Cut down on drinking and sexual activity. There is danger caused by lust.
Happy New Year 10...Rolling monkeys now...
猴 Monkey Born in: 1932(78), 1944(66), 1956(54), 1968(42),1980(30), 1992(18), 2004(6)
Overall Forecast
This year is your lucky year. All your endearvour will be smooth. If you run your own business, it will be good. There will be good news for those who is working. Students will do well academically. For those who is trying for kids will have offspring luck this year. You will also enjoy good wealth luck. This is the year to charge ahead with aggresion. However, take precaution as people will see you as
showy and cause harm to you.
There will be business opportunity coming up if you are running your own business. If you are working, there will be good news coming your way. News on promotion or new assignment might be coming your way. Be careful of petty people as people might be jealous with your achievement.
You will be in cloud nine this year due to much good news. Courting couples will move on to next stage; i.e. marriage. It is also a good time to plan for marriage or start a serious relationship. Couples trying for kid will have offspring luck this year. Couples should guard against third party.
Wealth luck is extremely good but don’t show off. Normal income and windfall luck is good. Petty people will be jealous against you so be more prudent.
Take good care of your health this year. There will be minor sickness here and there. Avoid attending wakes.
Overall Forecast
This year is your lucky year. All your endearvour will be smooth. If you run your own business, it will be good. There will be good news for those who is working. Students will do well academically. For those who is trying for kids will have offspring luck this year. You will also enjoy good wealth luck. This is the year to charge ahead with aggresion. However, take precaution as people will see you as
showy and cause harm to you.
There will be business opportunity coming up if you are running your own business. If you are working, there will be good news coming your way. News on promotion or new assignment might be coming your way. Be careful of petty people as people might be jealous with your achievement.
You will be in cloud nine this year due to much good news. Courting couples will move on to next stage; i.e. marriage. It is also a good time to plan for marriage or start a serious relationship. Couples trying for kid will have offspring luck this year. Couples should guard against third party.
Wealth luck is extremely good but don’t show off. Normal income and windfall luck is good. Petty people will be jealous against you so be more prudent.
Take good care of your health this year. There will be minor sickness here and there. Avoid attending wakes.
Happy New Year 9... Goats from NZ... Haha... Kidding only...
羊 Goat Born in: 1931(79), 1943(67), 1955(55), 1967(43), 1979(31), 1991(19), 2003(7)
Overall Forecast
This year, Goat zodiac clash with Tai Sui. As such, it is not a favourable year. You have to stay focus and alert in dealing with matters. Be extra careful will petty people. Avoid gossip and be vigilance. Take good care of your health. You should lay low this year.
A time to hold. Be extra prudent when making business and investment decision. Since your luck is not good this year, you have to rely heavily on your colleagues and friends. So treat them well. Not a good time to partner with others in business. Review all documents carefully before you sign.
With this time of bad luck, you need the help of your friends and colleagues. You have to maintain good relationship with your friends and colleagues. Maintain harmony with all of them. Couples should maintain open communication with each other to avoid conflict due to stress from bad luck this year. Show respect and affection with each other.
You hit rock bottom this year on your wealth luck. If can, stop all risky investment this year. Be conservative in managing your wealth. Do not be guarantor and also need to curb your gambling.
Due to stress, you have to take care of your health. You will be mentally stressed also. Seek treatment immediate if you fall sick. Bring the older folks that are born in the year of goat for medical check‐up. Be careful against falls and cuts.
Overall Forecast
This year, Goat zodiac clash with Tai Sui. As such, it is not a favourable year. You have to stay focus and alert in dealing with matters. Be extra careful will petty people. Avoid gossip and be vigilance. Take good care of your health. You should lay low this year.
A time to hold. Be extra prudent when making business and investment decision. Since your luck is not good this year, you have to rely heavily on your colleagues and friends. So treat them well. Not a good time to partner with others in business. Review all documents carefully before you sign.
With this time of bad luck, you need the help of your friends and colleagues. You have to maintain good relationship with your friends and colleagues. Maintain harmony with all of them. Couples should maintain open communication with each other to avoid conflict due to stress from bad luck this year. Show respect and affection with each other.
You hit rock bottom this year on your wealth luck. If can, stop all risky investment this year. Be conservative in managing your wealth. Do not be guarantor and also need to curb your gambling.
Due to stress, you have to take care of your health. You will be mentally stressed also. Seek treatment immediate if you fall sick. Bring the older folks that are born in the year of goat for medical check‐up. Be careful against falls and cuts.
Happy New Year 8... Next is Snakes...
蛇 Snake Born in: 1929(81), 1941(69), 1953(57), 1965(45),1977(33), 1989(21), 2001(9)
Overall Forecast
Lucky star is not on your side this year. You are bound for rugged year. Never try to stick out (gungho)and cause unnecessary issue. Do not get involve in gossip as it might back fired and harm you. Treat everybody with upmost respect. Control your wealth wisely.
Communication and respect is key to your career. There will be many obstacles and troubles in your career. Always show respect to others and keep a low profile. Maintain good relationship with others. Take extra precaution when signing or dealing with contracts and documents. It is not a good year to start a new business. Avoid risky business to avoid getting into legal issue.
Your romance encounter setback this year. Married couples should exercise upmost tolerance, open communication and trust with each other. For those who are single can look forward for some romance luck.
Your wealth luck will go up and down this year. It is not a good time to invest heavily. Be contented with what you have and you will be fine. Never be too greedy. Take extra precaution when spending your money.
Due to bad star influence, this year you will see blood. Take extra precaution when handling matters. If you have sickness, seek treatment immediately. Go for gum cleaning or donate blood. Avoid dangerous games and activities.
Overall Forecast
Lucky star is not on your side this year. You are bound for rugged year. Never try to stick out (gungho)and cause unnecessary issue. Do not get involve in gossip as it might back fired and harm you. Treat everybody with upmost respect. Control your wealth wisely.
Communication and respect is key to your career. There will be many obstacles and troubles in your career. Always show respect to others and keep a low profile. Maintain good relationship with others. Take extra precaution when signing or dealing with contracts and documents. It is not a good year to start a new business. Avoid risky business to avoid getting into legal issue.
Your romance encounter setback this year. Married couples should exercise upmost tolerance, open communication and trust with each other. For those who are single can look forward for some romance luck.
Your wealth luck will go up and down this year. It is not a good time to invest heavily. Be contented with what you have and you will be fine. Never be too greedy. Take extra precaution when spending your money.
Due to bad star influence, this year you will see blood. Take extra precaution when handling matters. If you have sickness, seek treatment immediately. Go for gum cleaning or donate blood. Avoid dangerous games and activities.
Happy New Year 7... Dragon Fly...
龍Dragon Born in: 1928(82), 1940(70), 1952(58), 1964(46),1976(34), 1988(22), 2000(10)
Overall Forecast
This year, you have guardian star and it will be smooth year for you. Every matter will be favourable for you. You might be changing career this year with helps from noble person or person with higher authority. If you have chance to take up overseas assignment – take it. Take care of your interpersonal skill and you should be fine. There will be much joyous news this year. Those who are hoping to have child this year, the possibility is high. Those who plan to get married; this year will be
blissful for you. Students will have exceptional performance in their academic endeavour.
This year is your prime year. Promotion and better job opportunity is around the corner. If you have planned to start a new business or change job, this year will be the year. If there is overseas assignment, go for it. On the other hand, due to your luck, beware of petty people that might be jealous of you. Be humble and modest.
For those who plan to get married, this year will be a good year to do so. There is offspring luck this year. For man, do show more care to your wife, especially when she is pregnant.
Wealth luck is excellent and beneficial for both normal income and windfall luck. You may attempt different type of investment after careful analysis. Business transaction and dealing will be smooth. Since you are in luck, be on your guard against sexual temptation and alcohol to avoid getting into trouble.
Your health should be fine this year. Since your career will be picking up, you need to take care of your health. Don’t be too stress over your new opportunity and busy schedule. Take extra precaution of your digestive systems.
Overall Forecast
This year, you have guardian star and it will be smooth year for you. Every matter will be favourable for you. You might be changing career this year with helps from noble person or person with higher authority. If you have chance to take up overseas assignment – take it. Take care of your interpersonal skill and you should be fine. There will be much joyous news this year. Those who are hoping to have child this year, the possibility is high. Those who plan to get married; this year will be
blissful for you. Students will have exceptional performance in their academic endeavour.
This year is your prime year. Promotion and better job opportunity is around the corner. If you have planned to start a new business or change job, this year will be the year. If there is overseas assignment, go for it. On the other hand, due to your luck, beware of petty people that might be jealous of you. Be humble and modest.
For those who plan to get married, this year will be a good year to do so. There is offspring luck this year. For man, do show more care to your wife, especially when she is pregnant.
Wealth luck is excellent and beneficial for both normal income and windfall luck. You may attempt different type of investment after careful analysis. Business transaction and dealing will be smooth. Since you are in luck, be on your guard against sexual temptation and alcohol to avoid getting into trouble.
Your health should be fine this year. Since your career will be picking up, you need to take care of your health. Don’t be too stress over your new opportunity and busy schedule. Take extra precaution of your digestive systems.
Happy New Year 6...Tiger roars...
虎 Tiger Born in: 1926(84), 1938(72), 1950(60), 1962(48), 1974(36), 1986(24), 1998(12)
Overall Forecast
This year is favourable to you. Wealth and health luck is good. Any undertaking will be smooth. Be sincere in your dealing and nobleman will help you. You need to differentiate who is there to help you and who is there to ruin you. You need to guard yourself against sexual traps and control your alcohol intake. There are people out there to rob you, so be careful when handling money matters. Avoid risky investment and take care of your health.
It is a good time to start your new business or expand the current one. You need to workout who is your nobleman and who is there to harm you. Leverage on your nobleman to excel. Control your temper when dealing with matters. Career progression will be good this year. Do not be guarantor.
Love is in the air and for teenagers you will fall in love easily and this will affect your study. You should focus on your study and don’t be easily distracted. Couples in courtship will have the urge to get married. Those already married should steer clear from sexual temptation to avoid getting into trouble.
Proper income luck is good as career progress. Save your money and do not lend to others. Do not make investment based on short term gain.
No major issue with health but you have to control yourself against sexual traps and alcohol intake.
Overall Forecast
This year is favourable to you. Wealth and health luck is good. Any undertaking will be smooth. Be sincere in your dealing and nobleman will help you. You need to differentiate who is there to help you and who is there to ruin you. You need to guard yourself against sexual traps and control your alcohol intake. There are people out there to rob you, so be careful when handling money matters. Avoid risky investment and take care of your health.
It is a good time to start your new business or expand the current one. You need to workout who is your nobleman and who is there to harm you. Leverage on your nobleman to excel. Control your temper when dealing with matters. Career progression will be good this year. Do not be guarantor.
Love is in the air and for teenagers you will fall in love easily and this will affect your study. You should focus on your study and don’t be easily distracted. Couples in courtship will have the urge to get married. Those already married should steer clear from sexual temptation to avoid getting into trouble.
Proper income luck is good as career progress. Save your money and do not lend to others. Do not make investment based on short term gain.
No major issue with health but you have to control yourself against sexual traps and alcohol intake.
Happy New Year 5...Now look at Mouse / Rat...
鼠 Rat Born in: 1924(86), 1936(74), 1948(62), 1960(50), 1972(38),1984(26), 1996(14), 2008(2)
Overall Forecast
Early year of 2009 is relatively favourable especially for wealth. If you are brave enough to make commitment, luck will be with you. Therefore, you must seize all opportunity that comes along your way. This year is also a good year to invest in properties but remember to manage your financial properly. You must guard against petty people especially when it relates to wealth matters. Also you need to guard yourself against sexual traps. As such, control your alcohol intake. Take care yourself this year as you might get hurt easily. For relationship, you need to exercise more tolerance and understanding.
A good year to start your own business. Beware of petty people and therefore you should avoid gossiping against other people as well as not too trusting. Those born in 1948 and 1960 can have great achievement this year.
Love is in the air for you this year. Especially those born in 1972, relationship can go into a new height but also can turn to worst. Married couple should build more tolerance and understanding.
Wealth luck is good. Wealth gains are from investment as well as lottery. However, spend your money wisely and guide against petty people.
Remember to control your alcohol intake. You might get hurt easily this year.
Overall Forecast
Early year of 2009 is relatively favourable especially for wealth. If you are brave enough to make commitment, luck will be with you. Therefore, you must seize all opportunity that comes along your way. This year is also a good year to invest in properties but remember to manage your financial properly. You must guard against petty people especially when it relates to wealth matters. Also you need to guard yourself against sexual traps. As such, control your alcohol intake. Take care yourself this year as you might get hurt easily. For relationship, you need to exercise more tolerance and understanding.
A good year to start your own business. Beware of petty people and therefore you should avoid gossiping against other people as well as not too trusting. Those born in 1948 and 1960 can have great achievement this year.
Love is in the air for you this year. Especially those born in 1972, relationship can go into a new height but also can turn to worst. Married couple should build more tolerance and understanding.
Wealth luck is good. Wealth gains are from investment as well as lottery. However, spend your money wisely and guide against petty people.
Remember to control your alcohol intake. You might get hurt easily this year.
Happy New Year 4...Now go for horse...
馬 Horse Born in: 1930(80), 1942(68), 1954(56), 1966(44), 1978(32), 1990(20), 2002(8)
Overall Forecast
This year will definitely better than last year but the cloud is not entirely clear yet. You should take extra precaution when making major decision. Take your time, proceed slowly and cautiously. Do not be mistaken by the appearance of others. Be on your guard against sexual temptation and alcohol to avoid getting into trouble.
Career luck is not that smooth. There will be up and down this year. There will be petty people trying to make trouble with you. Be careful of evil plots by petty people. Avoid getting into conflict with others.
Love will be up and down this year. Be careful of third party intrusion for attached couple. Control your sexual lust to avoid getting into trouble. Communication is the key.
Your normal income will be stable with improvement from last year. Financially you will be ok if you exercise extra precaution. Be careful of sexual trap as you might loose money from it. Save for raining day and be thriftier in your spending.
You need to control your lust this year. Limit your illicit activities and cut down on drinking. As your luck is picking up, you will have busy schedule. Take a lot rest and stress control.
Overall Forecast
This year will definitely better than last year but the cloud is not entirely clear yet. You should take extra precaution when making major decision. Take your time, proceed slowly and cautiously. Do not be mistaken by the appearance of others. Be on your guard against sexual temptation and alcohol to avoid getting into trouble.
Career luck is not that smooth. There will be up and down this year. There will be petty people trying to make trouble with you. Be careful of evil plots by petty people. Avoid getting into conflict with others.
Love will be up and down this year. Be careful of third party intrusion for attached couple. Control your sexual lust to avoid getting into trouble. Communication is the key.
Your normal income will be stable with improvement from last year. Financially you will be ok if you exercise extra precaution. Be careful of sexual trap as you might loose money from it. Save for raining day and be thriftier in your spending.
You need to control your lust this year. Limit your illicit activities and cut down on drinking. As your luck is picking up, you will have busy schedule. Take a lot rest and stress control.
Happy New Year 3...Now let's go for Chicken...
雞Rooster Born in: 1933(77), 1945(65), 1957(53), 1969(41),1981(29), 1993(17), 2005(5)
Overall Forecast
You will have good wealth luck this year. There are a lot of lucky star this year but there is also unlucky star. Be prudent and don’t be too aggressive. Perform your best and your superior will notice. Those in business can expect results and push forward for expansion. Students can excel in their academic study. Good year to invest in property.
Good progress in your career and work luck with increase in reputation and status. Smooth business deal and good business relationship. There are chances of promotion and overseas assignments.
No major breakthrough in relationship this year. Be more truthful and affectionate to your companion. Married couples should go for a re‐charge vacation.
Wealth luck is good this year. You will receive gain from your investment. However, you must control your spending also. You can consider investing in property. Be wary against petty people that might be jealous of your good luck this year.
Health is normal this year but have to take note of home safety. Don’t climb high. Don’t speed or drink excessive alcohol. Take adequate rest and exercise.
Overall Forecast
You will have good wealth luck this year. There are a lot of lucky star this year but there is also unlucky star. Be prudent and don’t be too aggressive. Perform your best and your superior will notice. Those in business can expect results and push forward for expansion. Students can excel in their academic study. Good year to invest in property.
Good progress in your career and work luck with increase in reputation and status. Smooth business deal and good business relationship. There are chances of promotion and overseas assignments.
No major breakthrough in relationship this year. Be more truthful and affectionate to your companion. Married couples should go for a re‐charge vacation.
Wealth luck is good this year. You will receive gain from your investment. However, you must control your spending also. You can consider investing in property. Be wary against petty people that might be jealous of your good luck this year.
Health is normal this year but have to take note of home safety. Don’t climb high. Don’t speed or drink excessive alcohol. Take adequate rest and exercise.
Happy New Year 2...Let's see Rabbit up next...
兔 Rabbit Born in: 1927(83), 1939(71), 1951(59), 1963(47),1975(35), 1987(23), 1999(11)
Overall Forecast
Luck will go up and down this year. Don't be distracted and stay focus. Plan your action wisely and this year is not a good year to be aggressive. It is a good year to enrich yourself. Due to auspicious star this year, you should look out for noble person that can help you. There might be a chance for travelling this year.
You shouldn’t be aggressive this year. Stay cool and guard against petty people. Don’t try to stick out,people might sabotage you.
You will have mood swing. You will feel left out and lonely. You need to exercise tolerance and patience when dealing with your love one. This is because your behaviour and temper will go up and down.
Your normal income will be stable. However due to your up and down luck, you need to save up for raining season and also exercise caution when spending your money. Do not be greedy for windfall
luck – there is no such thing as easy money. People will take the opportunity to cheat you. Therefore,do not be too trusting when dealing with investment. Always do your due diligence.
You will have unstable emotion, so need to take care as this will caused fatigue and stress. For those who love water sports, you will have to be careful this year as there is potential injury or accident related to water. Elderly folks have to take care of their health as chronic ailments might surface again.
Overall Forecast
Luck will go up and down this year. Don't be distracted and stay focus. Plan your action wisely and this year is not a good year to be aggressive. It is a good year to enrich yourself. Due to auspicious star this year, you should look out for noble person that can help you. There might be a chance for travelling this year.
You shouldn’t be aggressive this year. Stay cool and guard against petty people. Don’t try to stick out,people might sabotage you.
You will have mood swing. You will feel left out and lonely. You need to exercise tolerance and patience when dealing with your love one. This is because your behaviour and temper will go up and down.
Your normal income will be stable. However due to your up and down luck, you need to save up for raining season and also exercise caution when spending your money. Do not be greedy for windfall
luck – there is no such thing as easy money. People will take the opportunity to cheat you. Therefore,do not be too trusting when dealing with investment. Always do your due diligence.
You will have unstable emotion, so need to take care as this will caused fatigue and stress. For those who love water sports, you will have to be careful this year as there is potential injury or accident related to water. Elderly folks have to take care of their health as chronic ailments might surface again.
Happy New Year 1...Haha...So early? No! Just fortune teller...
First up: Ox, since next year is Year of Ox ma...
牛 Ox Born in: 1925(85), 1937(73), 1949(61), 1961(49), 1973(37),
1985(25), 1997(13)
Overall Forecast
This year, you offend Tai Sui and therefore, there will be obstacles through out the year. Be more vigilant and careful when dealing with matters. Fortunately, there are lucky stars present this year to help you. You will have the tendency to change job, get married or travel. Regardless of the problem,this year will be better than last year. If you are religious, you can offer prayer to Tai Sui during the Lunar New Year. Remember to choose the correct Tai Sui that matches you.
There is possibility that you might change your job. Don’t be too aggressive to make the decision.
Weigh all the pros and cons before you decide to change your job.
No major breakthrough. Control your emotion and exercise tolerance. There are still opportunities to meet the other party if you work hard to seek for it. Those born in 1949 and 1961 have to be careful's in making acquaintances.
Proper income is stable. Scrutinize all documents before you sign. Those born in 1937can be in deep trouble if invest wrongly.
You need to be extra careful this year. Accidents will happen easily.
牛 Ox Born in: 1925(85), 1937(73), 1949(61), 1961(49), 1973(37),
1985(25), 1997(13)
Overall Forecast
This year, you offend Tai Sui and therefore, there will be obstacles through out the year. Be more vigilant and careful when dealing with matters. Fortunately, there are lucky stars present this year to help you. You will have the tendency to change job, get married or travel. Regardless of the problem,this year will be better than last year. If you are religious, you can offer prayer to Tai Sui during the Lunar New Year. Remember to choose the correct Tai Sui that matches you.
There is possibility that you might change your job. Don’t be too aggressive to make the decision.
Weigh all the pros and cons before you decide to change your job.
No major breakthrough. Control your emotion and exercise tolerance. There are still opportunities to meet the other party if you work hard to seek for it. Those born in 1949 and 1961 have to be careful's in making acquaintances.
Proper income is stable. Scrutinize all documents before you sign. Those born in 1937can be in deep trouble if invest wrongly.
You need to be extra careful this year. Accidents will happen easily.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Counting downs...really...
With today's dates of 17th Nov, it is "offically" means that all ACCA students will face their respective exams in two weeks time. As for me, who takes CAT 5, CAT 7 and CAT 10, preparation is underway; but then. it still seems that there are a LOTS more to read, to "refresh" my mind about all those calculations principles which takes time..."memorising" those theories associated with management principles...
Sigh, hope that really can get it thorough as soon as possible with promising results, which means a full certificate for me in order for me to continue...
As for some leisure, here is a cool reading links:
This blogger is may former schoolmate during secondary years, the content is really nice. She do update quite often with much interesting subjects which I think so...
Back to my "favourite" topic recently, jeng jeng, the low prices war in flying...
Well, after the really absolutely FREE tickets that ends yesterday; Airasia continues with another phase of promotions, which I see is quite worth also.
As for MAS, the promotions now includes international destinations which "once upon a time" the management did say the corporate would never do that. Anyway, perhaps due to the downturn; they change their mind...WHATEVER IT IS, I believe promotions would somehow means that some people would get their bud in the planes to fly...
Before ending, here is another link of blog. It is a local author's blog who involves herself in Chinese literature.
Guess that's all for this time. Bye!
Sigh, hope that really can get it thorough as soon as possible with promising results, which means a full certificate for me in order for me to continue...
As for some leisure, here is a cool reading links:
This blogger is may former schoolmate during secondary years, the content is really nice. She do update quite often with much interesting subjects which I think so...
Back to my "favourite" topic recently, jeng jeng, the low prices war in flying...
Well, after the really absolutely FREE tickets that ends yesterday; Airasia continues with another phase of promotions, which I see is quite worth also.
As for MAS, the promotions now includes international destinations which "once upon a time" the management did say the corporate would never do that. Anyway, perhaps due to the downturn; they change their mind...WHATEVER IT IS, I believe promotions would somehow means that some people would get their bud in the planes to fly...
Before ending, here is another link of blog. It is a local author's blog who involves herself in Chinese literature.
Guess that's all for this time. Bye!
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Painting again and again...
Hello again!
As most of the people have or will finish their exams challenge by early next months, we as an ACCA community would only start to face our exams from Dec 1 till Dec 10. By now, it would be really countdown time towards the challenge. Preparation still undergo quite well. Just scared that will be tired of preparation as there are really a lots more to learn and learn.
Anyway, beginning tomorrow will mean study leaves for me as our class decided to call off this semester by this weeks. My classmates shall end their lessons tomorrow. The remaining time would mean intense revision for me; covering both theories & costing calculation. Lots lots more ahead...
Airasia had announced the abolishment of fuel surcharges, but then the air fares it self had been rising up a little to cover that while MAS still having their extremely terrible rates of surcharges on normal fares.
By the way, the MAS global online sales are particularly attractive; anyway still due to the high fuel surcharges, the rates of discount still not that attractive yet, about 20% only on average.
Sarawak tourism minister had claimed that Mirians will enjoy direct flight to the city of lion. Hope that it will turn true soon.
Guess that's all now. Bye bye!
(PS: Guess will be having boring exams preparation periods for the upcoming month. Hope still can enjoy life. Not just dump myself in the "books hills")
As most of the people have or will finish their exams challenge by early next months, we as an ACCA community would only start to face our exams from Dec 1 till Dec 10. By now, it would be really countdown time towards the challenge. Preparation still undergo quite well. Just scared that will be tired of preparation as there are really a lots more to learn and learn.
Anyway, beginning tomorrow will mean study leaves for me as our class decided to call off this semester by this weeks. My classmates shall end their lessons tomorrow. The remaining time would mean intense revision for me; covering both theories & costing calculation. Lots lots more ahead...
Airasia had announced the abolishment of fuel surcharges, but then the air fares it self had been rising up a little to cover that while MAS still having their extremely terrible rates of surcharges on normal fares.
By the way, the MAS global online sales are particularly attractive; anyway still due to the high fuel surcharges, the rates of discount still not that attractive yet, about 20% only on average.
Sarawak tourism minister had claimed that Mirians will enjoy direct flight to the city of lion. Hope that it will turn true soon.
Guess that's all now. Bye bye!
(PS: Guess will be having boring exams preparation periods for the upcoming month. Hope still can enjoy life. Not just dump myself in the "books hills")
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Painting little...
Now, progressing into November; it's almost time for exams, now in the progress of preparing exams. Really headache, tones of materials to be revised and practice. And yet I had some trouble in a sense that if I see English (Particularly those with long words: In short, all paragraphs), I can't see for a long time; after some specific time period, it is most likely that I dont know what "they" are talking about.
My father together with my grandma & my aunt will be departing for Xiamen, China next week on vacations.
Today came across news stating that our nations carriers will abolish the fuel surcharges attached to air tickets in the near future. I really doubt about the level of truth of that news. Anyway, if in turn out to be true in the near future, then it would be very nice for all people. Just that the companies need to ensure that they would put themselves in cash flows problems with this step that shall benefits thousands and thousands of people. By then, I believe many people might start buying more tickets to fly around...haha...
Another one is that the Sarawak government is trying hard to persuade the low cost carriers to start the Miri-Singapore direct flight. Well, this is the route that has been long awaited by Sarawakian; green light had been given by both governments, it all now depends on the airlines whether they see this as an opportunity or not...
Perhaps just do what our national carrier do, if customers do willing to pay the incremental costs (in the case that it is sure that no one will be attracted buy if no promotion is being held); there is also rooms for profitability.
Guess that's all for now.
Revisions time...
Counting down less than a month, with still lots of things to go...terrible...
Bye bye!
My father together with my grandma & my aunt will be departing for Xiamen, China next week on vacations.
Today came across news stating that our nations carriers will abolish the fuel surcharges attached to air tickets in the near future. I really doubt about the level of truth of that news. Anyway, if in turn out to be true in the near future, then it would be very nice for all people. Just that the companies need to ensure that they would put themselves in cash flows problems with this step that shall benefits thousands and thousands of people. By then, I believe many people might start buying more tickets to fly around...haha...
Another one is that the Sarawak government is trying hard to persuade the low cost carriers to start the Miri-Singapore direct flight. Well, this is the route that has been long awaited by Sarawakian; green light had been given by both governments, it all now depends on the airlines whether they see this as an opportunity or not...
Perhaps just do what our national carrier do, if customers do willing to pay the incremental costs (in the case that it is sure that no one will be attracted buy if no promotion is being held); there is also rooms for profitability.
Guess that's all for now.
Revisions time...
Counting down less than a month, with still lots of things to go...terrible...
Bye bye!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Well, this dream is not that “dream”. Weeks ago, one media makes a special report on the “dreambox”, which is a latest “tool” that enables the users to receives hundreds of free & pay per view television services around the globe. All you need is simply a TV set, a “dreambox”, streamyx, some wires for connection & cash of course.
With thousands bucks of installation fees, ones can receive almost any famous TV channels around the globe; even our nation very reputed pat per view TV station.
Is still illegal, but the market demands seem so good that until “the relevant parties” makes advertisement in one of the local newspapers. What a surprise to me!
Really got “guts”!
Guess that’s all for now. Bye bye!
With thousands bucks of installation fees, ones can receive almost any famous TV channels around the globe; even our nation very reputed pat per view TV station.
Is still illegal, but the market demands seem so good that until “the relevant parties” makes advertisement in one of the local newspapers. What a surprise to me!
Really got “guts”!
Guess that’s all for now. Bye bye!
Thursday, 23 October 2008
ABC soup...hehe!
Well, I finally finished my notes yesterday. That's meant that I had finished reading my course texts. Up next would be revision & practice time seriously. Now is end of October already, about 40 days only towards exams.
The TV channels had been locked again from yesterday (.^.!!), so angry! Hope that can see it a few days more again before it is being locked again! Once opened, many programmes can be seen; once locked, the days seems so boring! Hai!
Looking around at MAS "All-inclusive low fares" really make people feeling like to fly here & fly there. But, your flying schedules need to "fit in" the offer days for coming December holidays; while next years might be lots of cheap tickets, but confirming the schedules now to off for holidays then is not that easy as many fancy things might spoilt the planning & your advancement bookings would be of no use!
Anyway, there is three weeks periods, things might changed also, let's see how la!
As for the KK ones, better call it off & fly to other places as tickets are much much more cheaper than KK. One way to KK would equivalent to return trip to KL from selected location(s)!
Guess that's all for now!
Dream more! Haha!
Bye Bye!
The TV channels had been locked again from yesterday (.^.!!), so angry! Hope that can see it a few days more again before it is being locked again! Once opened, many programmes can be seen; once locked, the days seems so boring! Hai!
Looking around at MAS "All-inclusive low fares" really make people feeling like to fly here & fly there. But, your flying schedules need to "fit in" the offer days for coming December holidays; while next years might be lots of cheap tickets, but confirming the schedules now to off for holidays then is not that easy as many fancy things might spoilt the planning & your advancement bookings would be of no use!
Anyway, there is three weeks periods, things might changed also, let's see how la!
As for the KK ones, better call it off & fly to other places as tickets are much much more cheaper than KK. One way to KK would equivalent to return trip to KL from selected location(s)!
Guess that's all for now!
Dream more! Haha!
Bye Bye!
Monday, 20 October 2008
Rojak again...
Well, the past weekend had been a very nice ones' as some of the locked channels had been "opened" automatically for viewing & lots of programmes been made available! Now still got, hoping that they continue to offer it for free, so that we can have better & more choices!
This week would mark a free of lessons week for me as that teacher had called off the classes. Well, having busying reading my Paper 7 textbook with the target of finishing my own notes by this weekends. Hope can really finish it to move on to revision sessions. Just now read until I also don't really know what am I reading already, hehe!
MAS had launched another round of promotional price. This round pricing is the best offer since the programme were launched backed in May this year. Those who are planning for holidays & breakaway really can grasp this golden time to get the best bargain!
Guess that's all for now, bye bye!
This week would mark a free of lessons week for me as that teacher had called off the classes. Well, having busying reading my Paper 7 textbook with the target of finishing my own notes by this weekends. Hope can really finish it to move on to revision sessions. Just now read until I also don't really know what am I reading already, hehe!
MAS had launched another round of promotional price. This round pricing is the best offer since the programme were launched backed in May this year. Those who are planning for holidays & breakaway really can grasp this golden time to get the best bargain!
Guess that's all for now, bye bye!
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
The very latecomer…
Well, presenting the book that finally “arrived” at my house on Monday afternoon, after almost a month delay & few chasing up calls…really annoying…anyway finally it has arrived…

Kaplan CAT Paper 5 Pocket Notes back cover, can you see the price mark there? Is
S$25.00, which is more than MYR 50 for this thing! Anyway, I bought it for MYR 41 + MYR 23 courier charges, which means that this book cost me MYR 64! Hope it can help me in my Paper 5, the super duper crazy management subject!

Kaplan CAT Paper 5 Pocket Notes front cover...
Bye for now!
Kaplan CAT Paper 5 Pocket Notes back cover, can you see the price mark there? Is
S$25.00, which is more than MYR 50 for this thing! Anyway, I bought it for MYR 41 + MYR 23 courier charges, which means that this book cost me MYR 64! Hope it can help me in my Paper 5, the super duper crazy management subject!
Kaplan CAT Paper 5 Pocket Notes front cover...
Bye for now!
TV, TV, more TV & fly fly fly!
Well, this title might seem very misleading. What I wish to say is that two days ago I had requested the installation man to come over to my house to do some additional setting of
channels following the “news” that those channels would be made available FOC for a few days. However, what turned me down is that is too late to enjoy free viewing for even a short time. It had “resumed” to be scrambled, which mean you need to pay to view it! Anyway, as they would “open” it at quite fixed intervals, I should expect to “see” them by two months later for 1-day period. Hai, what to do leh?!
Yesterday go and “play” around with the air ticketing system again, seeing whether got any surprise for my “possible” KK trip with my family on December; well, both airlines do give me little surprise, with Air Asia pricing MYR 60 (previously MYR 40) excluding taxes, while MASWings pricing MYR 153 (I thought it is damn hard to get this price)!
Anyway, Air Asia still offers better pricing. The “final decision” hasn’t come out yet.
Regarding the open sky policies within ASEAN capital, to me it is good (I believe to all the general public also). As for the direct flights bound for Singapore Changi from 3 destinations in Borneo (East Malaysia), Air Asia had started to offer tickets for KK & Kuching ones’, but the Miri ones’ still nothing yet…don’t know whether they would want to commence the direct flight or not.
Apart, there is no news yet from the Singapore side yet, namely Tiger Air & Jet star.
Just sit back and see what will happen lo!
Anyway, exams still comes first. With 3 chapters pending for lectures, the count down for revision really starts to blast off. Hoping to finish my own notes within this fortnight (the maximum) & then really need to start off my “revision & practice package” already!
Guess that’s all for this time, bye bye!
channels following the “news” that those channels would be made available FOC for a few days. However, what turned me down is that is too late to enjoy free viewing for even a short time. It had “resumed” to be scrambled, which mean you need to pay to view it! Anyway, as they would “open” it at quite fixed intervals, I should expect to “see” them by two months later for 1-day period. Hai, what to do leh?!
Yesterday go and “play” around with the air ticketing system again, seeing whether got any surprise for my “possible” KK trip with my family on December; well, both airlines do give me little surprise, with Air Asia pricing MYR 60 (previously MYR 40) excluding taxes, while MASWings pricing MYR 153 (I thought it is damn hard to get this price)!
Anyway, Air Asia still offers better pricing. The “final decision” hasn’t come out yet.
Regarding the open sky policies within ASEAN capital, to me it is good (I believe to all the general public also). As for the direct flights bound for Singapore Changi from 3 destinations in Borneo (East Malaysia), Air Asia had started to offer tickets for KK & Kuching ones’, but the Miri ones’ still nothing yet…don’t know whether they would want to commence the direct flight or not.
Apart, there is no news yet from the Singapore side yet, namely Tiger Air & Jet star.
Just sit back and see what will happen lo!
Anyway, exams still comes first. With 3 chapters pending for lectures, the count down for revision really starts to blast off. Hoping to finish my own notes within this fortnight (the maximum) & then really need to start off my “revision & practice package” already!
Guess that’s all for this time, bye bye!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
forwarded: 爱情的经典杀手
解析:答案A回答得太乾脆了吧,她聽著不過癮。答案B純屬找罵,女孩子怎麼能喜歡聽別人說她胖呢?即使你再三強調你喜歡胖的,她還會不高興;答案 C聽著都那麼虛偽,現在的女人哪那麼好蒙啊。其實,在女人的心裡,她還是希望男人不在乎她的胖瘦,雖然嘴上說為了你減肥,其實是為了自己更漂亮,能穿更多好看的衣服。所以你用肢體語言表示出你喜歡她有點兒肉就可以了。
或许, 男生把这个背熟;女生也乐得一听再听; 世间的怨偶可能会少很多!哈哈!
但是, 我只相信: 爱情里没有绝对!
Bye bye!
解析:答案A回答得太乾脆了吧,她聽著不過癮。答案B純屬找罵,女孩子怎麼能喜歡聽別人說她胖呢?即使你再三強調你喜歡胖的,她還會不高興;答案 C聽著都那麼虛偽,現在的女人哪那麼好蒙啊。其實,在女人的心裡,她還是希望男人不在乎她的胖瘦,雖然嘴上說為了你減肥,其實是為了自己更漂亮,能穿更多好看的衣服。所以你用肢體語言表示出你喜歡她有點兒肉就可以了。
或许, 男生把这个背熟;女生也乐得一听再听; 世间的怨偶可能会少很多!哈哈!
但是, 我只相信: 爱情里没有绝对!
Bye bye!
Monday, 6 October 2008
Introduce the above two programs, really worth watching.
<<百万大歌星>> & <<我爱记歌词>> are two singing cum lyric remembering programmes. The former is aired on TTV (台视), Taiwan & the later is aired on <<浙江卫视>>. As for overseas viewing, the former can be viewed on TVBS Asia (astro 317) while the later can be viewed on WATV (astro 315).
These two programmes are really worth watching, but personally I like the later a little bit more as the overall “feel” is better.
Here are the airing time: TTV don’t know as it is also not available to me, <<浙江卫视>> every Friday at 2121-2225, TVBS Asia every Sunday at 1900-2100 & WATV at every Saturday at 1900-2000.
“Happy singing!”
Bye bye!
<<百万大歌星>> & <<我爱记歌词>> are two singing cum lyric remembering programmes. The former is aired on TTV (台视), Taiwan & the later is aired on <<浙江卫视>>. As for overseas viewing, the former can be viewed on TVBS Asia (astro 317) while the later can be viewed on WATV (astro 315).
These two programmes are really worth watching, but personally I like the later a little bit more as the overall “feel” is better.
Here are the airing time: TTV don’t know as it is also not available to me, <<浙江卫视>> every Friday at 2121-2225, TVBS Asia every Sunday at 1900-2100 & WATV at every Saturday at 1900-2000.
“Happy singing!”
Bye bye!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Dot & jot
Well, about another week pass again. Towards end of September, the Raya period is around the corner.
The studies still progress as bored as...? Don't know what subject to put! Haha!
And the progress is shooting up little by little, is almost coming to an end for Paper 10 & Paper 7 still got some more.
Forget about it! Now, today Airasia has started a special offer on the KL-Singapore route; with a return ticket of MYR 120 only. An extremely low prices. Guess this is due to the "hyper" competition between the operators of at least 4.
Anyway, just see for fun only; I guess, quite impossible to go! Hehe...
For the exams, count down had come to about 9 weeks more only; still have lots of reading to do yet before commencing the revision for practices. OMG! Is really...
Yeah, before end; just to mention, I go and "fixed" my teeth again two days ago. Really dont know why it happen again within a year ++.
Guess that's all for now!
Bye bye!
The studies still progress as bored as...? Don't know what subject to put! Haha!
And the progress is shooting up little by little, is almost coming to an end for Paper 10 & Paper 7 still got some more.
Forget about it! Now, today Airasia has started a special offer on the KL-Singapore route; with a return ticket of MYR 120 only. An extremely low prices. Guess this is due to the "hyper" competition between the operators of at least 4.
Anyway, just see for fun only; I guess, quite impossible to go! Hehe...
For the exams, count down had come to about 9 weeks more only; still have lots of reading to do yet before commencing the revision for practices. OMG! Is really...
Yeah, before end; just to mention, I go and "fixed" my teeth again two days ago. Really dont know why it happen again within a year ++.
Guess that's all for now!
Bye bye!
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Poison…crisis…roads…& what?
Well, guess you know what I want to say; yap, it is the China polluted milk powder that was tinted with melamine. The incident had cause a few casualties with ten of thousands more of infants still “fighting” with kidney related problems in China.
Initially, everyone around world just think it the problematic materials were only the infants milks powder & all those related “by-product” which used those contaminated milks in their production, particularly in bakery.
But what really strikes & alert me was that the Singapore health authority had confirmed that the well-known “rabbit” candy throughout Asian region was also tinted with melamine. What a shocking discovery!
With this revealed, it really sounds threatening. Over the years (even decades), that “rabbit” was one of the most popular candies & now they said that melamine was being tinted in as part of the “formula”! Isn’t it pretty crazy!? I meant millions or even trillions of sweet had already go into everyone’s stomach over the time! Just that doesn’t know when the “polluted” items were started to “appear” in the market! (They didn’t mention any further, only revealed confirmation & “seize” all relevant products back form the markets.)
Anyway, at this “critical” situation; better watch carefully about anything related to milk!
Going on to talk about what so-called an “ economic tsunami”, over the last few days; the money markets seem facing a terrific moment as Lehman Brothers announcing for bankruptcy order while AIG needs a huge fund in order to survive. Well, perhaps apart from be careful about what we eat; we also need to think about what to do wisely about our money in this uncertain economic environment.
The “916” seem “varnished” from the media this few days, replaced by the “melamine milk” news. Anyway, although the nation political situation seems no so stable & the “performance” of the government still discussable; but I personally also don’t really agree with “wakil rakyat that frog” in order to form government. It’s really non-democratic.
A 16 years old girl had been killed after being kidnapped. Well, Johore’s public security seems really not that good over the years. Really feel sigh when seeing this news; particularly she has wins so many applause. May the justice give a good judgement over her incident. Just really feel so annoying when sawing the media photos stating that one of the suspect wear a T that had a phrase of “Today is my lucky day”! Ha? Being charged / detained under investigation process is “lucky”? Really feel sick and vomiting!
Well, guess that’s all for the time being. Bye bye!
Initially, everyone around world just think it the problematic materials were only the infants milks powder & all those related “by-product” which used those contaminated milks in their production, particularly in bakery.
But what really strikes & alert me was that the Singapore health authority had confirmed that the well-known “rabbit” candy throughout Asian region was also tinted with melamine. What a shocking discovery!
With this revealed, it really sounds threatening. Over the years (even decades), that “rabbit” was one of the most popular candies & now they said that melamine was being tinted in as part of the “formula”! Isn’t it pretty crazy!? I meant millions or even trillions of sweet had already go into everyone’s stomach over the time! Just that doesn’t know when the “polluted” items were started to “appear” in the market! (They didn’t mention any further, only revealed confirmation & “seize” all relevant products back form the markets.)
Anyway, at this “critical” situation; better watch carefully about anything related to milk!
Going on to talk about what so-called an “ economic tsunami”, over the last few days; the money markets seem facing a terrific moment as Lehman Brothers announcing for bankruptcy order while AIG needs a huge fund in order to survive. Well, perhaps apart from be careful about what we eat; we also need to think about what to do wisely about our money in this uncertain economic environment.
The “916” seem “varnished” from the media this few days, replaced by the “melamine milk” news. Anyway, although the nation political situation seems no so stable & the “performance” of the government still discussable; but I personally also don’t really agree with “wakil rakyat that frog” in order to form government. It’s really non-democratic.
A 16 years old girl had been killed after being kidnapped. Well, Johore’s public security seems really not that good over the years. Really feel sigh when seeing this news; particularly she has wins so many applause. May the justice give a good judgement over her incident. Just really feel so annoying when sawing the media photos stating that one of the suspect wear a T that had a phrase of “Today is my lucky day”! Ha? Being charged / detained under investigation process is “lucky”? Really feel sick and vomiting!
Well, guess that’s all for the time being. Bye bye!
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Public exams...
After this year UPSR exams ends, local Chinese media had received many complaints about this year Chinese paper. Well, seriously after reading the report & those questions that were in doubt; I do agree that this year Objective questions for the Chinese is really crazy, the questions set are not that "standard" & the level is a little bit far more than what a year 6 student can cope.
Moving on to PMR, yesterday press had revealed a gossip about the "potential leaking" of questions; but anyway the authorities had denied the situation. Just hope that when the time came, it dont turn into true situation.
As for SPM, the schedule is really crazy. Additional Mathematics + Moral. This year candidates would suffer a lot (science stream). Add Maths need many mental works, writing also a lot. Moral is lots of writing. I can foreseen a torturing day for them.
That's all for the time being, may this year candidates get through this "crazy" challenges successfully.
Bye bye!
Moving on to PMR, yesterday press had revealed a gossip about the "potential leaking" of questions; but anyway the authorities had denied the situation. Just hope that when the time came, it dont turn into true situation.
As for SPM, the schedule is really crazy. Additional Mathematics + Moral. This year candidates would suffer a lot (science stream). Add Maths need many mental works, writing also a lot. Moral is lots of writing. I can foreseen a torturing day for them.
That's all for the time being, may this year candidates get through this "crazy" challenges successfully.
Bye bye!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Well, as reported in newspapers; a DHC-6 has crashed on last saturday & today another newspapers had revealed the photos of the crashed aircraft, so badly damaged...luckily that all managed to survive. Rural areas locals had called for replacement of the fleet which aged over 20 years, well perhaps it's really time to change it before anything unwanted happenned again...god bless.
Anyway, still going with boring lifes; proceeding with notes & reading. Hope can finish soon...everyone faces look so boring......enough with that, dont mentioned more...
Here are the picture of the books that I had ordered:

Get Through Guide F1 & F2 Question Bank + F1 Key Notes...
That's all, bye bye!
Anyway, still going with boring lifes; proceeding with notes & reading. Hope can finish soon...everyone faces look so boring......enough with that, dont mentioned more...
Here are the picture of the books that I had ordered:
Get Through Guide F1 & F2 Question Bank + F1 Key Notes...
That's all, bye bye!
Friday, 12 September 2008
Various ....
It has been quite sometime after last post. Well, yesterday marked the 7th anniversary for the 911 incidents. Apart from commemorate the victims, there are lots of people around this world who would had “no mood” to celebrate for theirs’ birthday as “a sign of respect” for the victims. One of my high school classmate birthday falls on yesterday, exactly 911 & if not mistaken, one of Taiwanese artist also born on 911. And Taiwanese famous girl group S.H.E was also formed on that “memorable” day. Just pray that there would never be anymore incident like this in the future, an incident that make the whole world astonish…
Days still pass on as usual, with boring lectures on every Tuesday & Friday morning; reading my texts & making notes. Luckily the process had passed half the way & as days goes by, I guess is time to approach exams…oh, no, exams…Need to revise more yet, particularly theoretical paper…the management which is seriously not an easy task.
Anyway, 3 of the 4 books that I ordered via post had arrived just now. After flipping through, I guess the pocket notes for the management paper is quite helpful, although not everything is examinable in paper 5 as I had ordered an equivalent syllabus from the ACCA scheme, Paper F1: Accountant in Business. Hoping that with another pocket notes arriving soon, I can successfully “crunch in” everything that a student had to know about management into my “head” before heading to the exams hall in December.
Apart, back to air travel again. MASWing’s fares had gone up by MYR 10 on one-way basis for the route Miri-KK. It’s really incredible, on return basis; one needs to spend about MYR 510 for the entire trip! So…sigh, what to do, perhaps they think that new aircraft can charge more eh…don’t know.
And finally before ending, maybe I’ll have some more Australian chocolate again…haha…
OK. Guess that’s all for now! Bye bye!
Days still pass on as usual, with boring lectures on every Tuesday & Friday morning; reading my texts & making notes. Luckily the process had passed half the way & as days goes by, I guess is time to approach exams…oh, no, exams…Need to revise more yet, particularly theoretical paper…the management which is seriously not an easy task.
Anyway, 3 of the 4 books that I ordered via post had arrived just now. After flipping through, I guess the pocket notes for the management paper is quite helpful, although not everything is examinable in paper 5 as I had ordered an equivalent syllabus from the ACCA scheme, Paper F1: Accountant in Business. Hoping that with another pocket notes arriving soon, I can successfully “crunch in” everything that a student had to know about management into my “head” before heading to the exams hall in December.
Apart, back to air travel again. MASWing’s fares had gone up by MYR 10 on one-way basis for the route Miri-KK. It’s really incredible, on return basis; one needs to spend about MYR 510 for the entire trip! So…sigh, what to do, perhaps they think that new aircraft can charge more eh…don’t know.
And finally before ending, maybe I’ll have some more Australian chocolate again…haha…
OK. Guess that’s all for now! Bye bye!
Saturday, 6 September 2008
MASWings' ATR 72-500
Forwarded: 方块字的哲学
1. 呂對 昌說:「和你相比,我家徒四壁.」
2. 由 對甲說:「你什麼時候學會倒立了?」
3. 夫對 天說:「我總算盼到了出頭之日.」
4. 屎 對尿說:「乾的和稀的就是不一樣.」
5. 也對 她說:「當老板了,出門還帶祕書?」
6. 木對 束 說:「別以為穿上馬甲我就不認得你了!」
7. 丙對兩說:「你家什麼時候多了一個人,結婚了?」
8. 非 對韭說:「我們蜈蚣也會走鋼絲呀?」
9. 日對 旦說:「你什麼時候學會玩滑板了?」
10. 大對 爽說:「就四道題,你怎麼全做錯了?」
11. 卓對 罩說:「戴什麼頭巾,想裝賓拉登啊?」
12. 女 對子說:「我們結婚吧,那樣才『好』!」
13. 乒 對乓 說:「你我都一樣,一等殘廢軍人.」
14. 兵 對 丘說:「看看戰爭有多殘酷,兩條腿 都炸飛了!」
15. 弋 對 戈 說:「別以為你帶了 一把劍我就怕你,有種單挑!」
16. 長對 張說:「你以為你是后羿啊,沒事整天背著弓幹嘛?」
17. 扁對 匾說:「才敗選一次而已,就搞自閉!]
真不是盖得, 这样也行; 佩服吧, 乖乖学好中文哦!
2. 由 對甲說:「你什麼時候學會倒立了?」
3. 夫對 天說:「我總算盼到了出頭之日.」
4. 屎 對尿說:「乾的和稀的就是不一樣.」
5. 也對 她說:「當老板了,出門還帶祕書?」
6. 木對 束 說:「別以為穿上馬甲我就不認得你了!」
7. 丙對兩說:「你家什麼時候多了一個人,結婚了?」
8. 非 對韭說:「我們蜈蚣也會走鋼絲呀?」
9. 日對 旦說:「你什麼時候學會玩滑板了?」
10. 大對 爽說:「就四道題,你怎麼全做錯了?」
11. 卓對 罩說:「戴什麼頭巾,想裝賓拉登啊?」
12. 女 對子說:「我們結婚吧,那樣才『好』!」
13. 乒 對乓 說:「你我都一樣,一等殘廢軍人.」
14. 兵 對 丘說:「看看戰爭有多殘酷,兩條腿 都炸飛了!」
15. 弋 對 戈 說:「別以為你帶了 一把劍我就怕你,有種單挑!」
16. 長對 張說:「你以為你是后羿啊,沒事整天背著弓幹嘛?」
17. 扁對 匾說:「才敗選一次而已,就搞自閉!]
真不是盖得, 这样也行; 佩服吧, 乖乖学好中文哦!
Forwarded: 包您五体头地的华文作文
Bye Bye!
Bye Bye!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Another new Chinese reading...
Here is the newest chinese reading that I have:

With about 30-50++ books still "lying" in my bookshelf, it would be more than enough for me to just read for at least a month & doing nothing. Ya! Step by step I will "eat" them up. At least year ahead, I guess...
The author for the book above is a well known management personnel in Taiwan, featuring management in Hotels...But the content is not on that...
Guess that's all. Bye bye!
With about 30-50++ books still "lying" in my bookshelf, it would be more than enough for me to just read for at least a month & doing nothing. Ya! Step by step I will "eat" them up. At least year ahead, I guess...
The author for the book above is a well known management personnel in Taiwan, featuring management in Hotels...But the content is not on that...
Guess that's all. Bye bye!
Reading textbooks & making notes like crazy...
Haha, ya, with 3 months ++ only left behind, this fortnight was reading textbook & making notes like crazy, cant imagine how it would be for ACCA. But perhaps they go notes prepared for students. Whereas here, all done by yourself, what more the lecturer is not that nice. I am trying hard to finish this thing by 5-7 weeks from now. It would be quite rushing. But, what to do? With this 3 papers being the toughest in CAT, it need to be fast.
When tired, may be think of TV, online, games... and travel...haha, but that's simply dream...await for always Malaysian do...hehe...
Anyway, bye bye!
When tired, may be think of TV, online, games... and travel...haha, but that's simply dream...await for always Malaysian do...hehe...
Anyway, bye bye!
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Forwarded: What called Dr. Phill test...
Here's the questions:
1. When do you feel your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon & and early evening
c) late at night
2. You usually walk. .
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly
3. When talking to people you..
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, ! touch your chin, or smooth your hair
4. When relaxing, you sit with...
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) your legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with....
a) big appreciated laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile
6. When you go to a party or social gathering you..
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted.......
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these two extremes
8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) Red or orange
b) black
c) yellow or light blue
d) green
e) dark blue or purple
f) white
g) brown or gray
9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep you are..
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers
10. You often dream that you are...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant
1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1
Now add up the total number of points.
And here's the analysis:
OVER 60 POINTS : Others see you as someone they should 'handle with care.' You're seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely dominant.. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.
51 TO 60 POINTS : Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement! you radiate.
41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
31 TO 40 POINTS: Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust In your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It would! really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
UNDER 21 POINTS: People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything! They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. So me people think you're boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.
1. When do you feel your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon & and early evening
c) late at night
2. You usually walk. .
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly
3. When talking to people you..
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, ! touch your chin, or smooth your hair
4. When relaxing, you sit with...
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) your legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with....
a) big appreciated laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile
6. When you go to a party or social gathering you..
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted.......
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these two extremes
8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) Red or orange
b) black
c) yellow or light blue
d) green
e) dark blue or purple
f) white
g) brown or gray
9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep you are..
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers
10. You often dream that you are...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant
1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1
Now add up the total number of points.
And here's the analysis:
OVER 60 POINTS : Others see you as someone they should 'handle with care.' You're seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely dominant.. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.
51 TO 60 POINTS : Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement! you radiate.
41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
31 TO 40 POINTS: Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust In your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It would! really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
UNDER 21 POINTS: People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything! They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. So me people think you're boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Who is cheaper? The winner is...
Well, at the first sight, you might not know what I want to say. Yap, once again; it's all about air travel. Air Asia launched another round of free tickets, just pay for taxes. I go and have a look (for fun only). It's really cheap, just that the travel periods are too far ahead; not easy for the public to plan so early.
For instance, Miri return tickets to Kuala Lumpur would just cost MYR 640 for a family of 4 or MYR 163 for an individual (of course not included another optional fees yet). Any way, this is still far cheaper than our national carrier during the 1st phase of promotion. Really feeling like wish to go out to travel for another time just because of cheap air fare. But then is not just that. still many thing need to be settled. hahaha...
As for fares bound to Kota Kinabalu this December, there's really a big gap. Maswings' fares would cost MYR 482 per person per return trip while Air Asia only cost MYR 184, which is a difference of MYR 298. Take it as 2 return ticket, the price would be more than enough to buy 6 return tickets under Air Asia's current promotion to bound for the capital. But then the difference is just ATR 72 is confirmed to service that route by then (Plane will be here very soon). Dont know what to choose from, economic wise Air Asia will definitely outrun the other, but having new plane to try for, the expensive one may be the option (really expensive, hai!)
Any way, still far ahead yet. Exams count down will start soon.
Bye for now! Haha!
For instance, Miri return tickets to Kuala Lumpur would just cost MYR 640 for a family of 4 or MYR 163 for an individual (of course not included another optional fees yet). Any way, this is still far cheaper than our national carrier during the 1st phase of promotion. Really feeling like wish to go out to travel for another time just because of cheap air fare. But then is not just that. still many thing need to be settled. hahaha...
As for fares bound to Kota Kinabalu this December, there's really a big gap. Maswings' fares would cost MYR 482 per person per return trip while Air Asia only cost MYR 184, which is a difference of MYR 298. Take it as 2 return ticket, the price would be more than enough to buy 6 return tickets under Air Asia's current promotion to bound for the capital. But then the difference is just ATR 72 is confirmed to service that route by then (Plane will be here very soon). Dont know what to choose from, economic wise Air Asia will definitely outrun the other, but having new plane to try for, the expensive one may be the option (really expensive, hai!)
Any way, still far ahead yet. Exams count down will start soon.
Bye for now! Haha!
Saturday, 23 August 2008
The pressure builds...
I know, perhaps I don't "qualified" to say this as my course is half a year more than other people. But it's really not an easy task to do international qualification. With 6 papers out of 9 being accomplished over the past year, the remaining 3 more papers are quite challenging.
Paper 7 builds more knowledge on costing, which means more calculations; more costing principles. Paper 5 is the damn management stuffs! And the Paper 10, all the way until yesterday we are using the very first version of textbook; but the college announced that new textbook is more applicable as MORE things are in it although the syllabus remains the same. With this, all the work need to "restart" to a certain extent again! This is damn NOT nice! But since this is the fact already, just read whatever thing that had been added & my own notes need to be "re-haul" again! What to do...
Anyway, as the syllabus it self is meant to be to be equivalent as a 1st year degree course in Financing related course, this is the facts that need to be appreciated. 9 papers would have teach you a lot, what more to say with ACCA Skills & Professional modules!
However, that's still far apart yet. With time evolving so fast, there's left about 3months ++ fpr preparation towards December examination sittings. And seriously this 3papers are the toughest compared to earlier ones. Just hoping that with dedication, I managed to "finish" these things in the upcoming exams (Pass la!).
I guess that's all. Bye for now!
Paper 7 builds more knowledge on costing, which means more calculations; more costing principles. Paper 5 is the damn management stuffs! And the Paper 10, all the way until yesterday we are using the very first version of textbook; but the college announced that new textbook is more applicable as MORE things are in it although the syllabus remains the same. With this, all the work need to "restart" to a certain extent again! This is damn NOT nice! But since this is the fact already, just read whatever thing that had been added & my own notes need to be "re-haul" again! What to do...
Anyway, as the syllabus it self is meant to be to be equivalent as a 1st year degree course in Financing related course, this is the facts that need to be appreciated. 9 papers would have teach you a lot, what more to say with ACCA Skills & Professional modules!
However, that's still far apart yet. With time evolving so fast, there's left about 3months ++ fpr preparation towards December examination sittings. And seriously this 3papers are the toughest compared to earlier ones. Just hoping that with dedication, I managed to "finish" these things in the upcoming exams (Pass la!).
I guess that's all. Bye for now!
Monday, 18 August 2008
Out now!
Yeah! Finally the results are out! And thank god, NO need to resit any papers! All 3 papers enrolled had been secured! Paper 4: Accounting For Costs, 6 marks more than the pass margin; Paper 6: Drafting Financial Statement (INT), 8 marks more than pass margin & Paper 9: Preparing Taxation Computation, 7 marks more than pass margin.
I know that this is just "marginal pass", but somehow can happy also as you no need to pay for 35-40 pound sterling per paper anymore. Just need to work harder and harder if wish to pursue Professional Qualification later. It would be 50% to pass for all ACCA papers! really need to think carefully.
Now, with this results out would mean that for this final semester; I would had 3 more papers to go + 1 additional options (can do or dont do)! Another 120 pound sterling. Just need to wait for the result slips to reach my home address! Hope that it CAN & MUST reach my home. Or else I need to use another method to enroll for my exams in December 2008!
Bye for now!
I know that this is just "marginal pass", but somehow can happy also as you no need to pay for 35-40 pound sterling per paper anymore. Just need to work harder and harder if wish to pursue Professional Qualification later. It would be 50% to pass for all ACCA papers! really need to think carefully.
Now, with this results out would mean that for this final semester; I would had 3 more papers to go + 1 additional options (can do or dont do)! Another 120 pound sterling. Just need to wait for the result slips to reach my home address! Hope that it CAN & MUST reach my home. Or else I need to use another method to enroll for my exams in December 2008!
Bye for now!
1. 进入八月分, 马航的“每日超底价”活动似乎越来越“没诚意”. 除了促销的幅度“缩水”外, 连廉价机位的“配额”也越来越少. 虽然之前我曾说过它部分“老飞机”的舱压的确有点“不舒服”, 但这年头能有多一个的廉价选择总是比较好的.
2. 京奥的最后一场羽毛球决赛, 神州一哥对垒大马天王; 在种种的因素左右之下, 终就还是不敌“超级丹”的“神功”, 只能屈居第二. 说实在, 这等的比赛在40分钟内就终结; 有点“没意思”!
3. 前些天看我以前的同学的博客, 看到他(她)们办了一场“同学会”[会用引号是因为只有几个人,不是一票人.] 看起来大伙的感情似乎还不错. 但真正令我错愕的是居然有一位女生已经结婚了.(颇为标志的女生,真的是漂亮的就是“当红炸子鸡”.) 说实在,在这个晚婚或不婚盛行的年代;的确有点太早的感觉.
不过, 看起来她婚后“状况”似乎还不错 (纯粹从面相来看,哈哈). 那位博客这样道(大概): 记得多多保养, 免得太早变黄脸婆. 还要记得与姐妹们多多联络, 不要有了异性; 没了姐妹. [批: 不愧是女生们的经典台词!]
4. 我国308之后的“第一场人为补选”即将在26日揭晓, 这场攸关反对党的“生死之战”; 谁主皇朝, 就等民众的裁决了.
5. 台湾前总统陈水扁的贪污丑闻案再添一笔. 这回要不是八卦周刊的爆料和瑞士政府的一封司法互助公文, 再加上他本人的证实; 或许“全球”的人还是只能雾里看花吧! 就看在当地的庞大舆论的压力之下及媒体的紧追不放, 看看最终的结果是什么!
Bye Bye!
(PS: June session results will be out later at around 4pm later, let’s hope that all is fine. Hehe!)
2. 京奥的最后一场羽毛球决赛, 神州一哥对垒大马天王; 在种种的因素左右之下, 终就还是不敌“超级丹”的“神功”, 只能屈居第二. 说实在, 这等的比赛在40分钟内就终结; 有点“没意思”!
3. 前些天看我以前的同学的博客, 看到他(她)们办了一场“同学会”[会用引号是因为只有几个人,不是一票人.] 看起来大伙的感情似乎还不错. 但真正令我错愕的是居然有一位女生已经结婚了.(颇为标志的女生,真的是漂亮的就是“当红炸子鸡”.) 说实在,在这个晚婚或不婚盛行的年代;的确有点太早的感觉.
不过, 看起来她婚后“状况”似乎还不错 (纯粹从面相来看,哈哈). 那位博客这样道(大概): 记得多多保养, 免得太早变黄脸婆. 还要记得与姐妹们多多联络, 不要有了异性; 没了姐妹. [批: 不愧是女生们的经典台词!]
4. 我国308之后的“第一场人为补选”即将在26日揭晓, 这场攸关反对党的“生死之战”; 谁主皇朝, 就等民众的裁决了.
5. 台湾前总统陈水扁的贪污丑闻案再添一笔. 这回要不是八卦周刊的爆料和瑞士政府的一封司法互助公文, 再加上他本人的证实; 或许“全球”的人还是只能雾里看花吧! 就看在当地的庞大舆论的压力之下及媒体的紧追不放, 看看最终的结果是什么!
Bye Bye!
(PS: June session results will be out later at around 4pm later, let’s hope that all is fine. Hehe!)
Saturday, 16 August 2008
CBE Done! Waiting for June results...
Now,just backed from my CBE exams. I had managed to score 80%,yeah! Thanks to additional books of BPP & Kaplan Exams kits. With only the very old Kaplan Texts, it is HARD to score this high! About 10 questions are not available from that oldies text! Anyway, more boooks more chances to success. The college finally had announced that it is going to use new edition of those books for new students and for those old students; they stand a chance to choose whether to buy or not to buy. Let's see how it goes...
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
TV back to live again...
Thanks to my uncle for teaching me to make the TV to "resume", my satellite dish now can resume normal viewing as at the initial installation stage without spending a single cent. All "disappeared" channels now backed to normal. More TV, More choices. Hahaha!
Monday, 11 August 2008
Finally connected...!
Yes, after 2 days of hair wire in the broadband service; it finally get to the normal again! Damn! Such services also can called broadband. This is the 2nd time since my family had broadband service backed in March this year!
Anyway, forget about that. At least I can do my online exams practice NOW!
Bye bye!
Anyway, forget about that. At least I can do my online exams practice NOW!
Bye bye!
Full gear? NO line! What the…!
Studies are really hard (well, literally it should be everything.). Study too little; you are most likely to fail your exams; study too much, the stress built up and you might go crazy.
So, it really needs to be wise enough! But the thing is that this is not easy to do!
Upcoming Saturday would be my CBE exams; so far my practice revealed that I my pass in this paper is granted as I can score at least 60. Just that confidence is confidence, practical is different. Only pray that my performance on that day will be on the same track as my preparations.
Now, but the trouble is that: I need to do online exams again after I finish my Paper based practice questions which had about 150 questions left (well you might think a lot, but according to exams condition; this would only need 3 hours.)! But the TM broadband had gone “hair wire” once again in this critical situation! Really sucks!
If the situation continues, I really need to think about alternative ways to go online! Mad!
That’s all, bye bye!
(PS: This article is pre typed!)
So, it really needs to be wise enough! But the thing is that this is not easy to do!
Upcoming Saturday would be my CBE exams; so far my practice revealed that I my pass in this paper is granted as I can score at least 60. Just that confidence is confidence, practical is different. Only pray that my performance on that day will be on the same track as my preparations.
Now, but the trouble is that: I need to do online exams again after I finish my Paper based practice questions which had about 150 questions left (well you might think a lot, but according to exams condition; this would only need 3 hours.)! But the TM broadband had gone “hair wire” once again in this critical situation! Really sucks!
If the situation continues, I really need to think about alternative ways to go online! Mad!
That’s all, bye bye!
(PS: This article is pre typed!)
Don’t know why, is 3 weeks after backed from KL. Maybe BIG malls really attract most of the people. These 3 weeks, shopping seems so dry as Miri only had a little “medium” malls for you. Air-cons is getting more and more not cold, size looks so “small” after seeing the “big” one…choices so “little”…prices so different (I meant something that we drunk at there)…so many different thing…
Heh! Kok Kok! Anybody home?! Don’t dream liao loh! Do what you should do!
Hahaha…sorry ya! But that’s really the different! Hehe!
(PS: Chill…winter is coming…)
Bye for now!
Heh! Kok Kok! Anybody home?! Don’t dream liao loh! Do what you should do!
Hahaha…sorry ya! But that’s really the different! Hehe!
(PS: Chill…winter is coming…)
Bye for now!
Blackout, again…No, it’s the biggest…
Yesterday (9/8/2008), almost all major cities in Sarawak experienced a major blackout ranging from 1 hour to 3 hours. Well, in the 1st place; my friend in Kuching had messaged me about the blackout situation there. I should actually “acknowledge” that "something” similar might happen soon. It really turned up to be in the same luck as they had. Just that we only need to “suffer” for about an hour, they had 3 hours. As reported in the media, this might be the worst blackout in past 45 years where it involves more than half of the population in the state.
Hope this will not be the case again! Never and ever! Hahaha!
Bye for now!
Hope this will not be the case again! Never and ever! Hahaha!
Bye for now!
New aircraft, new era…
Yes, as reported in the media backed in few days ago; MASWing will fly its’ 1st ATR 72 aircraft in the upcoming month. This model of aircraft shall replace its’ ageing Fokker 50 fleet that is almost two decades. Lets’ see how is the “performance” of this new aircraft.
Here is the picture of the 1st ATR 72 for MASWing. I took it from the Internet. The photographer took it on early last month in France, where this “thing” was made.

That’s all. Bye for now!
Here is the picture of the 1st ATR 72 for MASWing. I took it from the Internet. The photographer took it on early last month in France, where this “thing” was made.

That’s all. Bye for now!
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