Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Greetings n .....
Merry Christmas.
相信大家周六周日时都经历三场“无预警”的停电吧. 为什么无预警? 很简单. 咱们这儿似乎好些时日都没停电咯, 而这场停电还真的挺麻烦的;原因无它,只因停电的时间在傍晚和晚上. 或许这是电力公司送给我们的圣诞节礼物吧! 哈哈!!
Coming up: History series continued.
相信大家周六周日时都经历三场“无预警”的停电吧. 为什么无预警? 很简单. 咱们这儿似乎好些时日都没停电咯, 而这场停电还真的挺麻烦的;原因无它,只因停电的时间在傍晚和晚上. 或许这是电力公司送给我们的圣诞节礼物吧! 哈哈!!
Coming up: History series continued.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Just finished with the torturing painting jobs, it has been hours till now… And is time to relax… And since nothing else, present one picture…

Friday, 21 December 2007
play play
Heavy rain now…It is forecasted that heavy rain will be all around this few days and we need to prevent “floods”……Emmm…Perhaps it is quite rational to say that in other cities…but since global warming is a hot topics nowadays, who knows…ahem…God bless all!!
Bought paints just now, cleaning also justnow; and planning to paint tomorrow, whahaha...!!
Ya! Bye-Bye!!
Bought paints just now, cleaning also justnow; and planning to paint tomorrow, whahaha...!!
Ya! Bye-Bye!!
Lump sum...
It’s has been one week already since last post about “holiday” pictures and other stuffs…And this one-week seem really damn long…
On Saturday (15/12/07) morning, went out to visit the books exhibition at Civic Centre…Nothing much there, quite disappointing…The other agent one is better: Much more choice and much more NEW books… Yap, this one quite a number of OLDIES stuffs…However, I still managed to buy 3 books (Paying only on 2 books prices since the other 1 is complimentary).
Went for Art Garten Annual Dinner, having lots of delicious stuffs (seriously quite good and tasty foods when compared to other cafes and a small number of other restaurants). We made a number of draws with prizes from the organisation… After 2 hours ++, went home to stay relax for the stomach to “clear” some stuff ( I mean to feel less “full”) before getting to sleep and 2300 hours…Yeap, 11 p.m. at night!!
During the hour (10-11p.m.), made a number of SMS to a few individuals… Last but not least, I am still waiting for the pictures on that night from one of my colleagues so that I can post it up at here…Hope she did remembered what she has promised… Anyway, It was quite an easy night…
Monday morning mark the first painting day for the “brand new” of my home “oldies” paints, together with my brother and mother; we paint our front gate and one small fences…… Here is a quotation from my brother’s blog:
“Man, painting is HARD work.It may just leave you panting! No kidding here, it was so much easier to watch others doing it or just imagine about it. But when it come to the real thing, man, it was tough. Especially when painting the rounded iron tube. The two gate made my brother, mother and me busy for a good 3+ hours. That was on Monday this week.”
And this two three days I am busy preparing the lessons plans for the new classes to be started next year. (But don’t know when…it has been half a year since this idea “pop-up”, really hoping we managed to give an excellent start next year!!!) Almost finished with the Chinese Class one, and one down; two more to go, hugh……Really LOTS of things to do lah!!! It really look like being a planner of whatever stuffs is not easy also!! It can be TONS of works also!!!
And since no much another topics to write, in the future I might bring some achieve of whatever that I have to put it up here as a “thing”, Haha!!
And coming up this is the first series: K.K trip on last April 2007 + 1 photo on painting done on last Monday.
On Saturday (15/12/07) morning, went out to visit the books exhibition at Civic Centre…Nothing much there, quite disappointing…The other agent one is better: Much more choice and much more NEW books… Yap, this one quite a number of OLDIES stuffs…However, I still managed to buy 3 books (Paying only on 2 books prices since the other 1 is complimentary).
Went for Art Garten Annual Dinner, having lots of delicious stuffs (seriously quite good and tasty foods when compared to other cafes and a small number of other restaurants). We made a number of draws with prizes from the organisation… After 2 hours ++, went home to stay relax for the stomach to “clear” some stuff ( I mean to feel less “full”) before getting to sleep and 2300 hours…Yeap, 11 p.m. at night!!
During the hour (10-11p.m.), made a number of SMS to a few individuals… Last but not least, I am still waiting for the pictures on that night from one of my colleagues so that I can post it up at here…Hope she did remembered what she has promised… Anyway, It was quite an easy night…
Monday morning mark the first painting day for the “brand new” of my home “oldies” paints, together with my brother and mother; we paint our front gate and one small fences…… Here is a quotation from my brother’s blog:
“Man, painting is HARD work.It may just leave you panting! No kidding here, it was so much easier to watch others doing it or just imagine about it. But when it come to the real thing, man, it was tough. Especially when painting the rounded iron tube. The two gate made my brother, mother and me busy for a good 3+ hours. That was on Monday this week.”
And this two three days I am busy preparing the lessons plans for the new classes to be started next year. (But don’t know when…it has been half a year since this idea “pop-up”, really hoping we managed to give an excellent start next year!!!) Almost finished with the Chinese Class one, and one down; two more to go, hugh……Really LOTS of things to do lah!!! It really look like being a planner of whatever stuffs is not easy also!! It can be TONS of works also!!!
And since no much another topics to write, in the future I might bring some achieve of whatever that I have to put it up here as a “thing”, Haha!!
And coming up this is the first series: K.K trip on last April 2007 + 1 photo on painting done on last Monday.
Friday, 14 December 2007
a picture paints a thousand words
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
I am back!!
首先,我的会计课程的第一个笔试总算完成啦!虽然说难也不难, 说容易也不尽然; 只祈求能一次“金榜题名”咯! 千万别重考啊!还有很多其他的科目等着勒!
前个星期,我家开始大扫除 (我弟刚考完SPM, 就准备白“清仓”咯!); And guess what?!
We manage to clear out almost 100 kg of unwanted papers and books!!! Isn’t it amazing!! Hehe……the answer is we really kept too much papers and books all this while……and after that we bring it for recycling……and with that 100 kg things, we only managed to get RM 5 in return!!!! Hai…
And I cleaned my bookshelf recently, it has been “expanded” quite a lot as I photocopy a number of good academic books; I guess I may say I had a mini library at my home,haha.
大众书局一年一度的中文部大折扣又来啦,会员们能有八折的优待. 今年,我分三次买了五本新书;加上之前在书展上买的,我手头上现在有10多本读物有待我去翻阅.
Last Saturday, my family accompany my brother to visit an education road show held at Imperial Hotel. He wanted to enrol for Cambridge A-Level Science stream…… Seriously, as I said before on this blogger, the rivalry between the private colleges and universities in Malaysia is becoming too too too obvious, I think the marketing teams from those institutions are struggling hard to “push up” the number of students……
(Note: I don’t mean that it is not good to this phenomenon, since it will make our citizens’ more aware about the importance for tertiary education. However, I personally have a “sense” that the competitions that they are having seems unhealthy.)
最近,世界各国的政治舞台可谓“热闹滚滚”; 澳洲的政坛改朝换代,台湾忙着“正名”` 拼“全年无休”的大选等等,而我国也出现一些抗议的场面…只能说…还是少看为妙.
Bye for now!!
首先,我的会计课程的第一个笔试总算完成啦!虽然说难也不难, 说容易也不尽然; 只祈求能一次“金榜题名”咯! 千万别重考啊!还有很多其他的科目等着勒!
前个星期,我家开始大扫除 (我弟刚考完SPM, 就准备白“清仓”咯!); And guess what?!
We manage to clear out almost 100 kg of unwanted papers and books!!! Isn’t it amazing!! Hehe……the answer is we really kept too much papers and books all this while……and after that we bring it for recycling……and with that 100 kg things, we only managed to get RM 5 in return!!!! Hai…
And I cleaned my bookshelf recently, it has been “expanded” quite a lot as I photocopy a number of good academic books; I guess I may say I had a mini library at my home,haha.
大众书局一年一度的中文部大折扣又来啦,会员们能有八折的优待. 今年,我分三次买了五本新书;加上之前在书展上买的,我手头上现在有10多本读物有待我去翻阅.
Last Saturday, my family accompany my brother to visit an education road show held at Imperial Hotel. He wanted to enrol for Cambridge A-Level Science stream…… Seriously, as I said before on this blogger, the rivalry between the private colleges and universities in Malaysia is becoming too too too obvious, I think the marketing teams from those institutions are struggling hard to “push up” the number of students……
(Note: I don’t mean that it is not good to this phenomenon, since it will make our citizens’ more aware about the importance for tertiary education. However, I personally have a “sense” that the competitions that they are having seems unhealthy.)
最近,世界各国的政治舞台可谓“热闹滚滚”; 澳洲的政坛改朝换代,台湾忙着“正名”` 拼“全年无休”的大选等等,而我国也出现一些抗议的场面…只能说…还是少看为妙.
Bye for now!!
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Hello, long time didn’t see liao…I’m busying with examination preparation, so nothing much to write…
Well, yesterday mark my first examination since my enrolment to the CAT program. I took the CBE examination for Paper 1: Recording financial transactions. Talking about the level of the question, I would say is the normal one set out by ACCA; but like any other examination; it is true that every sitting will have some “brand new” question that you never see before, or you didn’t expect it to set out such question. However, I did manage to get a 70% for it despite the last minutes preparation to master the content. And one down, 3 more to go: LAN subject on 28/11/07, Paper 3 on 5/12/2007 and Paper 5 on 7/12/07. After that, it would be the end for this semester, hehe…
Today, 11/11/07, mark a cloudy + rainy day. Seriously, I don’t really like such weather, raining for a while, then cloudy, then continue raining again, haiya…
Pay a visit to one bookstore in Miri town here this morning to do some early research for the materials to be use in next year for my class. Well. I should say the parents nowadays really keep an important emphasises on education: 2007 academic year haven’t really come to an end yet and they are preparing the essential study materials for next academic year already……Don’t know such phenomenon is really good or not good……
That is all for the time being, see you in the near future. Good like for those public examination candidates this year. Bye-bye!!
Well, yesterday mark my first examination since my enrolment to the CAT program. I took the CBE examination for Paper 1: Recording financial transactions. Talking about the level of the question, I would say is the normal one set out by ACCA; but like any other examination; it is true that every sitting will have some “brand new” question that you never see before, or you didn’t expect it to set out such question. However, I did manage to get a 70% for it despite the last minutes preparation to master the content. And one down, 3 more to go: LAN subject on 28/11/07, Paper 3 on 5/12/2007 and Paper 5 on 7/12/07. After that, it would be the end for this semester, hehe…
Today, 11/11/07, mark a cloudy + rainy day. Seriously, I don’t really like such weather, raining for a while, then cloudy, then continue raining again, haiya…
Pay a visit to one bookstore in Miri town here this morning to do some early research for the materials to be use in next year for my class. Well. I should say the parents nowadays really keep an important emphasises on education: 2007 academic year haven’t really come to an end yet and they are preparing the essential study materials for next academic year already……Don’t know such phenomenon is really good or not good……
That is all for the time being, see you in the near future. Good like for those public examination candidates this year. Bye-bye!!
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Hello, long time didn't see liao
Hello, everyone. It has been some time for not updating new article. Holiday mah……,so be a little bit lazy lah,haha!!
Anyway, this Raya break is really sound like a “new year break” for me. You might ask: “Ha, why?”. Well, the answer is that for the past few years, I spent my CNY break by just doing two simple things. The “mathematical formula” is this: TV + Food!! Yap, watching television and have some snacks. But, after this few days, I realise something: My eyes really getting “old” liao!!Haha!!
Why leh?! It is because back in years ago, (around 2000 when my family first have Astro) the longest TV hours that I can have in a day is from 5.30pm-11.00pm. Now, about 2.5 hours I need to close the “box” for a break before I can enjoy some more programmes. Or else I might feel dizzy and uncomfortable. I also don’t know why. Anyway, too much TV is hazardous to our eyes, that is for sure……
(I can now enjoy 100+ channels, you should know what it mean la.)
Apart, I did go on with my Paper 5 notes taking job and go on with the reading of that “boring and yet long long” textbook……5 more chapters to close this story and till then, is the time for examination liao lo……Gambate nei!
Time really “fly” so fast, count count; we are moving towards the end of October lo, 2 more months we shall welcome 2008…… Anyway, within weeks my brother will take his SPM examination and they shall finish it within exactly two weeks for 10 subjects……so nice, but really tired.
The rivalry in tertiary education seems more obvious……The SPM and STPM candidates haven’t finish their final challenge yet and the educational road show have been started all over the major town liao……haiyo, so competitive meh? Maybe it really is; more and more tertiary institutions are established and the students numbers seems much less than what the market can offer……Don’t know la……
Bye for now!
(PS: To all the readers of this blog, if you wish to leave some comments or messages, please feel free to do so, I look forward for that; Thank You!)
Anyway, this Raya break is really sound like a “new year break” for me. You might ask: “Ha, why?”. Well, the answer is that for the past few years, I spent my CNY break by just doing two simple things. The “mathematical formula” is this: TV + Food!! Yap, watching television and have some snacks. But, after this few days, I realise something: My eyes really getting “old” liao!!Haha!!
Why leh?! It is because back in years ago, (around 2000 when my family first have Astro) the longest TV hours that I can have in a day is from 5.30pm-11.00pm. Now, about 2.5 hours I need to close the “box” for a break before I can enjoy some more programmes. Or else I might feel dizzy and uncomfortable. I also don’t know why. Anyway, too much TV is hazardous to our eyes, that is for sure……
(I can now enjoy 100+ channels, you should know what it mean la.)
Apart, I did go on with my Paper 5 notes taking job and go on with the reading of that “boring and yet long long” textbook……5 more chapters to close this story and till then, is the time for examination liao lo……Gambate nei!
Time really “fly” so fast, count count; we are moving towards the end of October lo, 2 more months we shall welcome 2008…… Anyway, within weeks my brother will take his SPM examination and they shall finish it within exactly two weeks for 10 subjects……so nice, but really tired.
The rivalry in tertiary education seems more obvious……The SPM and STPM candidates haven’t finish their final challenge yet and the educational road show have been started all over the major town liao……haiyo, so competitive meh? Maybe it really is; more and more tertiary institutions are established and the students numbers seems much less than what the market can offer……Don’t know la……
Bye for now!
(PS: To all the readers of this blog, if you wish to leave some comments or messages, please feel free to do so, I look forward for that; Thank You!)
Saturday, 6 October 2007
chat chat
国民服务再出状况! 在迈向第五届之际,经历不少问题的国民服务出现一名学员在受伤后未将伤口处理妥当;结果演变成必须面临被截支的命运. (见<<星洲>>) 不禁让我这个“前学员”感叹说: 其它有两年兵役的国家办了数十载的服役计划都没那么多问题, 为何我们的服役计划只不过有四年的光景; 却仿佛是一个历经沧桑的老年人, 问题一萝萝?! 或许,只有相关单位能回答这个问题吧…
当然,象我们这些平安顺利完成该计划的人; 应该感谢老天能让我们“健康地走进去,健康地走出来”,不是吗?
我国收费电视台一哥-----寰宇电视下周六将再度开播7个新频道,包括两个中文台. 当然,这不是重点;重点是新的收费概率颇让人“惊喜”.(虽然还是太贵了些, 但至少对中文用户有一些回馈也是值得高兴的.) 期待能在近期内享有更廉价及更超值的中文娱乐世界. 最后, 希望有更多的海外频道在大马落地播出,同时有更多的有线电视网在我国成立; 避免该台“一台独大”,同时也让我国的电视业更加璀灿夺目.
当然,象我们这些平安顺利完成该计划的人; 应该感谢老天能让我们“健康地走进去,健康地走出来”,不是吗?
我国收费电视台一哥-----寰宇电视下周六将再度开播7个新频道,包括两个中文台. 当然,这不是重点;重点是新的收费概率颇让人“惊喜”.(虽然还是太贵了些, 但至少对中文用户有一些回馈也是值得高兴的.) 期待能在近期内享有更廉价及更超值的中文娱乐世界. 最后, 希望有更多的海外频道在大马落地播出,同时有更多的有线电视网在我国成立; 避免该台“一台独大”,同时也让我国的电视业更加璀灿夺目.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
4 in 1 issues
Just to reply the question raised by someone, regarding the language used on this blog; well, my answer is that I will choice the medium of writing based on the issues that I wish to write. If English is easier for me to convey my ideas, then I will use English. If not, then I prefer to use Chinese to have a better flow of ideas.
Blackout again at Art Garten. Don’t know what the SESCO do recently. Like to blackout under such hot day.
Watched firework display on the TV via TVB8. It is a really nice show. Seem like celebrating big festivals…… (In fact it is, it is done in conjunction with PRC National Day).
When I told one of my student that next year I might only come in once a week for the current tuition class because I have some other new classes to cater of; he told me that he wish me the new class won’t success so that I still can spent ample of time with the current class. Haha… so nice to hear that although I didn’t really know whether they like my style or not with regard to the tuition class……hehe…
Today mark the last lecture for ACCA-CAT Paper 3: Maintaining Financial Records and we managed to start the discussion on the past year papers. Wow…still one month left…Yes we are one month ahead of schedule…
Struggle hard to tackle the question patterns and styles now……I hope can really master the subject matter after sufficient practice and past with flying colour…… (of course for every paper la……)
Buy two additional newspapers and do reading during the afternoon time. (Topic of interest? JiangJiangJiangJiang. The answer is aviation: MasWings replacing FAX)
Perhaps you people might want to know why, well my father origin is Limbang and over the last two decades (that is when I was born in the first place till now); I spent my CNY there except only for 4 or 5 years in Miri. Although I didn’t travel by air in order to get there every year over the periods (10 years ++ except last year), I better to know what’s happen about the RAS service now……
Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, right after I close the fan and have my bath; JiangJiangJiangJiang, blackout again!! What…… Balckout under such hot day?!! Luckily it only last for about half an hour like yesterday at Art Garten…… If not oh, will really feel like to …… You know la ha……hehe…
Is still really an absolutely HOT day. Proceed with past year papers…… Tonight still got LAN subject haiyo……headache la……so boring……
Blackout again at Art Garten. Don’t know what the SESCO do recently. Like to blackout under such hot day.
Watched firework display on the TV via TVB8. It is a really nice show. Seem like celebrating big festivals…… (In fact it is, it is done in conjunction with PRC National Day).
When I told one of my student that next year I might only come in once a week for the current tuition class because I have some other new classes to cater of; he told me that he wish me the new class won’t success so that I still can spent ample of time with the current class. Haha… so nice to hear that although I didn’t really know whether they like my style or not with regard to the tuition class……hehe…
Today mark the last lecture for ACCA-CAT Paper 3: Maintaining Financial Records and we managed to start the discussion on the past year papers. Wow…still one month left…Yes we are one month ahead of schedule…
Struggle hard to tackle the question patterns and styles now……I hope can really master the subject matter after sufficient practice and past with flying colour…… (of course for every paper la……)
Buy two additional newspapers and do reading during the afternoon time. (Topic of interest? JiangJiangJiangJiang. The answer is aviation: MasWings replacing FAX)
Perhaps you people might want to know why, well my father origin is Limbang and over the last two decades (that is when I was born in the first place till now); I spent my CNY there except only for 4 or 5 years in Miri. Although I didn’t travel by air in order to get there every year over the periods (10 years ++ except last year), I better to know what’s happen about the RAS service now……
Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, right after I close the fan and have my bath; JiangJiangJiangJiang, blackout again!! What…… Balckout under such hot day?!! Luckily it only last for about half an hour like yesterday at Art Garten…… If not oh, will really feel like to …… You know la ha……hehe…
Is still really an absolutely HOT day. Proceed with past year papers…… Tonight still got LAN subject haiyo……headache la……so boring……
Sunday, 30 September 2007
just jot something
After two cool and warm days, today is simply HOT HOT la… Lets see, talk about FOOD lah…Talking seriously, Miri really got ample of coffee shops but is really countable with our two fingers for the good one…isn’t it?
Since now is Ramandan period, I have to say that I like to go to Ramandan Bazaar simply because many delicacies…haha…but unfortunately I can’t afford to eat too much “high energy” (fried) foods because once is “overkept” in my body, sickness will look after me……and I really like K.K foods; all their coffee shops stuffs are quite nice to eat, but the thing is that the price is relatively high…
Tomorrow mark the last quarter of 2007 and quite a number of changes take place tomorrow as I mention yesterday and it also mark the count down towards my first CAT
examination……Is nine weeks from tomorrow…and I haven’t really put all those stuffs that I have learnt into my brain as NO PRACTICE have been really done till date for Paper 1 and Paper 3 for accounting……and for Paper 5 the management courses……haiyo, really don’t know how la……just gambate,haha……!!
Bye Bye!!
Since now is Ramandan period, I have to say that I like to go to Ramandan Bazaar simply because many delicacies…haha…but unfortunately I can’t afford to eat too much “high energy” (fried) foods because once is “overkept” in my body, sickness will look after me……and I really like K.K foods; all their coffee shops stuffs are quite nice to eat, but the thing is that the price is relatively high…
Tomorrow mark the last quarter of 2007 and quite a number of changes take place tomorrow as I mention yesterday and it also mark the count down towards my first CAT
examination……Is nine weeks from tomorrow…and I haven’t really put all those stuffs that I have learnt into my brain as NO PRACTICE have been really done till date for Paper 1 and Paper 3 for accounting……and for Paper 5 the management courses……haiyo, really don’t know how la……just gambate,haha……!!
Bye Bye!!
Saturday, 29 September 2007
notice 1
To all classmate:
Well, this is my newly created blog, I will write anything or update here to share. Stay tune. You guys may use this as another way to communicate with me also. Bye Bye!
Well, this is my newly created blog, I will write anything or update here to share. Stay tune. You guys may use this as another way to communicate with me also. Bye Bye!
write for nothing
Erm…after yesterday grand opening, what to write leh…I also don’t know bo…but towards October, is simply count down day: Astro changing channels numbers, FAX
being replaced by MasWings, and more perhaps count down for satellite,haha!!!
Well, yesterday afternoon weather is simply too bad, with strong winds and rains…and more worst is BIG traffic jam; 20 minutes journey became an hour, what the…
Bye Bye, the day after tomorrow will be October liao…
being replaced by MasWings, and more perhaps count down for satellite,haha!!!
Well, yesterday afternoon weather is simply too bad, with strong winds and rains…and more worst is BIG traffic jam; 20 minutes journey became an hour, what the…
Bye Bye, the day after tomorrow will be October liao…
Friday, 28 September 2007
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